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Posts posted by impis8

  1. I took my cpap to Australia with me. I had to get special permission from the airlines to take it on board, and get letters from my doctors saying that i needed it and that it had been serviced. All this, despite the fact that I didn't intend to actually use it on the flight!!


    To use one on a flight, you have to have a battery driven one - but not just any battery. There are some batteries that the airlines won't allow. To plug one into the plane's power, you have to be in a seat with the right level of power. And guess where that is? Yep, up front with the celebs and rich folk.


    Really, I think most people could manage with not using their cpap for the duration of their flights. Just make sure you get plenty of sleep before you travel.

  2. Hi,


    I used to suffer dreadfully with travel sickness as a youngster. Mostly, i'm fine now, but just occasionally, it happens again. I have used travel bands and sea sickness pills in the past. The last couple of times that I've been across to France on the channel ferry, I've been okay. Gentle bobbing I can cope with.


    So - my question is - how 'rough' is the Baltic Sea? Is it a calm sea, generally, or does it get a bit hairy now and again?


    I think I'll dust off the wrist bands and pills, just in case.


    Thanks in anticipation of getting a reply. x

  3. Hi. We have booked our first cruise - a Baltic Cruise with Cruise and Maritime, on Columbus. It isn't cheap . After booking, I discovered the [more or less compulsory] gratuities charge of £7 pp per night. While all food is included, drinks are not. Apparently tea and coffee is free - but who drinks that on holiday? If we want to prepay for a drinks package, plus the gratuities, it becomes and extra £23pp per night. That's £46 extra per day. [one day in 7 free] - so that's already an extra £552. It is particularly galling that we both have to pay if we want a drinks package when I don't actually drink alcohol much! I hate to think how much the excursions are going to cost - I've seen someone quote £380 for the 2 day excursion in St Petersburg - and that was in 2011!! So - my question is - how easy is it to 'do your own thing' in each of the other places we dock? These include Copenhagen, Warnemunde, Helsinki Tallin, Stockholm and Aarhus. I already know that the ship will dock close to touristy places in Warnemunde - but what about the others? Are any of the other places so far from the ship that its best to be on an excursion - or are they easily reached by foot/bus/ public transport at a reasonable cost? Also, some of the excursions seem to be just a couple of hours long. Seems a bit rushed. So for example 'panoramic Helsinki' is just 2 hours from leaving the ship to returning. Is it better [do you get more time] if you take yourself off and return before sailing? Or is the ship really only there for a couple of hours? Thank you all very much for having the patience to read my post - and double thanks if you take the time to reply. Much appreciated!

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