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Posts posted by desperatehousewife

  1. Thanks so much everyone!! Really appreciate it!


    Mona, the idea about the connecting balcony to an inside is a GREAT one too....I had no idea about that. Once I had gathered all my thoughts and dates, I was going to call my PVP and sort it out. I will be SURE to mention that.



  2. Hi everyone:D


    Our family, of 5, is planning a cruise after a few years away from it. ( Did some land AI's )


    Our children's ages are : DS(16) DD (14) and DD (8)


    The last time we cruised we all 5 were in one balcony cabin and it was STRESSFUL! Not enough room for all the shoes, clothes, girly products and space to get 3 girls ready!! One bathroom? Nuff' said. (Please refrain from suggesting I leave more crap at home it ain't happenin. ;) I believe you should bloom where you're planted and I was planted in a sea of girliness)


    While we have ALWAYS found Carnival rooms to be more than adequate by stateroom standards:D, we feel we just need more space. We thought about getting a suite or the new rooms that have 2 bathrooms, but it will be much cheaper to just get 2 rooms.


    How safe does a parent feel when older kids are across the hall? Am I worrying over nothing? I probably am...but hoping my fellow cruisers can offer some needed feedback from experience!!:confused:


    Thanks in advance!!!!

  3. :D


    If it's the stuff that's where the normal contact stuff is, the smallest I've found is 4 oz ( a piddly 0.3 oz over the TSA's rules). Pretty much all the brands, including the store brands have the smaller bottles. In the travel/trial size section, I've yet to find anything smaller at Walmart, Target, CVS, Walgreens, or KMart.

    That is really strange because I have purchased a 3 oz Renu and Opti Fresh,both, in the travel sections of both Walmart and Target. My last purchase was just Wed. at my Target locally.

  4. did you say you were wearing a copy of it to "the" wedding?



    For a second there, you almost gave me a heart attack!!

    I totally thought you were serious...then I realized.:D

    You scurred me!!


    Heather, don't you teach your children to "use your words", apparently, no one ever taught that skill to these two knuckleheads.


    I hear ya!!

    My kids are all on summer break right now and my middle one is occasionally using words improperly.( Grammatically speaking)

    When I correct her immediately, she teases and says "I am on summer vacation , mom"

    I remind her ( strongly) that we are NEVER on a vacation from speaking properly...ever!;)


    I didn't realize that the show was moving to LA. Why is that? Maybe they want to be closer to Curt, so he can be right on the runway to take those photo's for us personally!


    Wouldn't he LURV that!?

    But in all seriousness, I did not know that either!!

    CJW has never even mentioned that!!!

    We need more info please!!


    Just to share TMI, me and my roommate actually started separated the trash according to how good or how much sound it could make going down the garbage chute!

    Pizza boxes and paper towels "float".

    Empty food cans, and even better, empty glass bottles make the best sound ever!

    Urr, urr, urr!

    Can you hear it crashing down 11 stories of garbage chute right now!?!?


    I can literally see you standing there..listening to the trash.

    As it lands, you give a little "Squeee" and are on your way...

  5. Thank you CJW for that great rundown/summation of this week.

    I had a ton of thoughts ready to rattle off and you took a lot of the words right from my face!!


    I personally just watched off my Tivo and have strong feelings and thoughts here...


    I literally scared the bejeezus outta my hubbie when they announced the winner because he was next to me ,looking for something, and I shrieked in horror...literally!:eek:




    I soooooo do not get the rationalizations this week....

    You all have made some very good, valid points and points of view.

    That being said, I absolutely cannot believe that "Hi, I wore my outdoor patio cushions out on a date and on the way was malled by a wacko bridesmaid!" won !

    Are they serious?

    I sooooo completely agree with Curt here that there were so many other contenders that were just cast aside and literally blown the heck off!


    I was in love with Leanne's ensemble.

    It was versatile and wearable by many.

    I feel she was robbed.


    I further agree that Jerell ( although the mask @ bedtime scurred my own eyebows off my forehead and I am still looking for them) made quite the dress.

    It followed his inspiration beautifully....


    I hope Jane is right and they are hiding/saving somone ( in her opinion it is Joe) because I thought they really glazed right over some good stuff!




    Agree that if I hear one more a'licious from him I am writing headquarters.

    He is SOOOO a Christian wanna be, as stated.


    Suede..are their words? I believe he truly thinks there IS somone else!!

    However the dress wasn't awful, for me.



    This looked to me as if a volcano had erupted from the girls and the lava was oozing all over the place.

    I was a sight!


    The Cher meets Joan Jett chic, again, have to agree with Curt here.

    I have yet to see soemthing from her that shows any deviation from any other piece she has shown. I understand having a signature look, but this is just not working.

    ( Although, I do find her entertaining in a twisted way;) )


    Well, those are my thoughts and I must say I feel must better now having vented.

  6. Ok...way late to the party, but I just finished watching!!

    I have to say that I LOVE Christian....

    I just do.

    I think he is just a doll personality wise, and I just love him.

    His energy is addicting!

    As far as a designer goes, I think he is an artist..a true artist, he has a true vision and is able to carry that across all the way consistently.

    I was happy to see him win simply because of his reaction and how I feel about him.

    That being said....

    His clothes are just not wearable mainstream.

    Maybe that does not mean anything, maybe I do not know anything, I do not know.

    As much as it pains me to say this, if this contest is about wearable fashion ( which to me..is what 'fashion' should be...wearable)then he clearly should NOT have won..

    His collection has very heavy, very dark. To me it bordered on depressing ...:confused:


    Jillian's collection was very wearable. I actaully did not see the problem they had with her collection lacking cohesiveness.

    What...everyhthing needs to look the same coming down?

    Her pieces all had continuity in wearability and her colors we not all over the place.:rolleyes:

    The black stripe sweater? Get over it.....

    I loved her pieces and would wear a lot of what she had right off the runway.

    The thing that does bother me about her is her whining.

    she does an awful lot of it and she just tends to rub me the wrong way at times....only at times.;)

    Her craftmanship is there by a mile.

    But I wholeheartedly agreed...she does not have 'a look' IMO.

    Beautiful pieces,yes, but she has found her place yet.



    O, that man can design a gown I swear.

    I agree that his color choices leave a lot to be desired sometimes, but then again, if he is cutom designing clothes,does his color choice matter?

    I would think it is then up to the client....

    In any case his details are amazing, I have always love his signature draping and the way his work glides and flows across the catwalk.

    It, to me, is signature elegance and beauty.


    All of the designers had collections to be proud of.

    This was, by far, the best PR.

    I 'lurv' Christain, but no...the win was not his.

    Jillian or Rami?

    I don't know...


    Jillian does not seem to know who she is, I agree.

    But her pieces are wearable nonetheless,marketable and she would evolve, no doubt. ( Yes?)

    Rami, limited maybe, but signature and I think there is a market.

    I would be his market...his gowns are amazing!:D :D

  7. CJW... hey there!Thanks for taking the time to post all the pics, it really does give you an overview.


    I thought I would add my thought here..



    Heidi Klum.... "Bee-atch"

    I am sorry, I know I read constantly what a nice person she is... I do not buy it at all.

    A truly "nice " person could not talk down to, humiliate and rip people the way she does... just to make them kiss her, and then collect a paycheck for it.

    I believe she also produces the show... in the credits I saw it.

    Nope. I do not like her at all.


    Jeffrey: His attitude is so nasty that I cannot get past it and look at his clothes. I will not spend money on someone I perceive is so horrible that they do not deserve it. For example I will never watch another Tom Cruise movie as long as I live. I don't care what he does.

    I could NOT agree more... he exudes hatred it seems.I would not give $.02 for that exact reason as well.

    As far as a designer... he is ok, I guess.... It is hard because I would NOT wear one thing he has designed, myself... and I agree... I am jaded b/c of his attitude. I do not wish sucess on people who do not seem to give back.

    I DO ,however, give him credit for becoming clean... major credit.

    Just too bad this is what was left, he was probably a nicer person wasted.Sorry...


    Laura, I give her major kahunas and kudos!!

    Switching careers like that, five boys... and NOW pregnantagain?

    Good LORDY!

    I especially loved this dress:



    Just thought it was soooo feminine and I loved the way it hung and moved, detailing.

    I too, thought they ripped her a new one w/o being consistent with the criticism.





    I was actually a little disappointed to see him go.NOT because of his designing really, but there was just something humbling about him.... he seemed like a good seed? I dunno....

    Actually I also loved the fabric for the dress he designed for that pageant girl, I can't recall her name... I NOT a pageant girl.

    (I really liked some of the colors he chose for his formalwear, not necessarily the design). This one in particular I liked:



    Funny, I think I may be the only one who liked this dress?



    I liked the colors and layers....Not crazy about the bodice though.


    Uli, I have no problem either with her use of the same dress protype, if you will. Jane is correct:

    I'm not down on Uli and her "one look" or on Laura's either. Both are masters of what they do. Many many designers have "signatures". All Mary McFadden gowns have Fortuny pleats and when Carolina Herrera started out 20 years ago, all her dress sleeves had a "dimpled shoulder". Vera Wang has only clean lines and I can't ever remember seeing her do a print or a ruffle. And a Chanel suit is recognizable by just about everyone who knows even just a little about fashion.

    My though throughout exactly. Her fabrics flow beautifully, they are so feminine. I like her necklines.... I would NEVER be able to wear them, but I find them very feminine.

    My favorite had to be this:


    Gos, I LOVED the fabric here, colors and design.I would be willing to get a breast reduction to wear this dress!! ( As long as they put them back afterwards...(NO, BTW ...I do NOT have implants!)


    Michael, he is a nice guy... but not my style at all.He seems like a great designer, becuae he is consistent, it seems and I think he has a shot at winning. I like him because he has always seemed genuine... but this is not a popularity contest, I realize!


    I, personally could NOT be happier Angela is again "OUT!"

    OMI-GAWD....I could not wait for that moment!

    Whiney, manipulative, no talent at all, unprofessional.

    Again, I will quote Jane, as it sums it up completely:

    Angela is simply not a clothing designer. She's a crafts person and should stick to crafty "right from the farm" looks

    Thank you.....

    The dolile thingies... her ideas....her patchwork flair...

    It gave me the He-bee-gee-bees!!

    Now that she is gone, I feel like you do after your whole house is cleaned and free of clutter...cleansed and relaxed!!



    Finally, Tim Gunn...

    What can I say other than he makes the show and I look forward to him.

    Another "good egg".




    Well, back to the daily grind.... I am cleaning house myself!!

  8. It was hurtful to me that no one responded to me earlier in this thread. It should not have been, but it was. For some reason, I felt that way right now. I have been around long enough to know better than to take things personally, but I just had to let all of you who know me know how I feel.


    I know I have been busy. But I try to check in when I can. Sorry if that has not been often enough.




    Gee, I feel like I need to say I am sorry since this was a thread I started,

    I , like other, did not respond for two reasons.

    1) I agreed with all that was said and had nothing at the time to add.

    2) I have been gone for three days!


    I remember your post regarding your new purse from awhile ago, I think you thought Jane would like the color or something, or she diid, hmmmm or both...

    Anyway, I am sorry as well if I hurt your feelings.:)


    I love accessories (probably more than I love clothes) and my handbags change with the seasons...my mood...my shoes...etc. It's an obsession my DH doesn't (and doesn't try to) understand. LOL!


    I am the accessories Queen!!!

    Yes, my DH totally does not understand this either!:rolleyes:

    However he always seems to like my clothing, so I remind him of that constantly!


    I love bags, bags, and more bags, scarves,wraps, belts... LOVE belts, long necklaces, earrings, bangles, bracelets... you name it , I have it in volume!



    I guess the thing that I am turned off about Dooney and Bourke and Coach bags are the logos splattered all over them.

    I am not big on sporting names all over something.



    My Coach purse is black and very understated (unlike me) and is very practical.The only place it says Coach is the ziiper pull and at the top. I like it because it is roomy and durable.

  10. So.....I am off to shop this weekend with the girls and am sooooo looking forward to this.

    We do it often!

    We usually start early, do lunch/cocktails...shop more...dinner/cocktails...more shopping!:D

    DH is only too happy for me to go and he stay with the kids becuase I come home sooooooooo happy!


    ANyhow, I will be buying a new fall bag (or two;) ) and it got me to thinking about my style. I am definately more trendy I guess.... no, for sure!


    I saw an old girlfriend from school tonight and she had her new Dooney and Burke bag. I realized I disliked it immensely!Just not my taste really.

    (Not to offend those who like them, because that is what makes us all soooo different and fun... differnet tastes/styles... ;) )

    I know what I like and am not into having something ...just because it is "new" or popular... I like what like, and that is what I buy!


    Just wondering what type of handbags do you go for?

    Who are YOUR favorite designers?

    No flames....;)

    Just curious....:)


    I can't stand Heidi Klum's attitude. I feel sorry for those who are kicked off the show and forced to give her a kiss good-bye. How demeaning. Who wants to kiss someone that just gave you the heave-ho?


    Just thought that was an excellent point.

    The entire time she has rubbed me the wrong way and that is probably why!


  12. I use this:

    PHYTO PLAGE Protective Sun Veil 3.3 fl oz (100 ml




    Package Details:



    Product received may temporarily differ from image shown due to packaging update.)

    Hair & Sun


    Strong Protection with Sunflower Extract

    This oil-free styling and protective veil forms an invisible screen that protects the hair from the damaging drying effects of the sun, salt and chlorine. Provides a U.V. filter.

    Sun, wind, salt, chlorine...all these elements are harsh on your hair. Heat has a drying effect (the hair's moisture content is reduced, it loses its softness); wind dries out the hair and increases static electricity; UV rays weaken the hair and fad color. Salt and chlorine attack the hair.

    All these factors leave your hair damaged. The cuticle opens up, the hair breaks, and split ends appear. Result: your hair is dry, dull and impossible to style.

    This strong protection veil shields the hair against the drying effects of the sun, wind, salt and chlorine. Sunflower extract - a photo protective agent with anti-free-radical action - provides a protective filter for the hair fiber. White Lotus extract maintains moisture levels in the hair. Sweet illipe butter, with emollient and hydrating properties, nourishes the hair and restores its suppleness.

    This oil-free formula forms an invisible, protective screen. Restores shine. Sculpting effect. Contains a UV filter.

    Made in E.C. - Bezons - France





    Spray on dry or wet hair before before and during sun exposure. Always reapply after swimming.



    I have also used these for shampoo conditioner:


  13. I was so excited to be picking up dd at the airport last night that I forgot to tape PR! Aaahhh! Then tonight I didn't even realize it till all the showings had aired. I'll have to tape the 2AM show.




    You need TiVO!!!!!!


    Haven't you heard Rumplestilskin?

    No one told you yet?:confused:

    Ohhhh... I see..sorry you did not know..

    Well ,it is the year 2006!!!!

    Yes, I said 2006!:eek:

    Yes I know the horror of it all, it'll be okay. ( Smoothing hair down in comforting manner)

    Poor thing, you have been asleep a long , long time!


    Now, go get yourself a TiVO!!!!!

    :D :D :D

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