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Posts posted by Squeak9906

  1. Just got back tubing with Cave Tubing R Us for the second time.  Such a good trip.  They have other excursions as well and mentioned that he was adding a new one sometime early next year.


    There were 3 of us in our group and nobody else joined, so we got a "private tour" - and made sure to laugh at the bus full of people who bought the excursion from the cruise line.


    Water was a bit nippy, but even my wife got used to it quickly.  I'd say it was probably 78-80F when we went on Nov 24.


    If you go tubing with Cave Tubing R Us, be sure to get the lunch.  It was $50 for tubing and $10 for a traditional Belizean lunch of stewed chicken, red beans/rice and potato salad.  Mixed well with the Beliken Stout we stopped for on the way (they had a cooler ready for me!!!)  Best meal I had on the trip.

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