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Posts posted by Ap120906

  1. On 2/15/2019 at 12:46 PM, wms99 said:

    I am not a snob, but I do grind my own and like a good cup in the morning. With that said, the coffee they serve on Lido isn't at that level. Not even close. Average at best. But, and this is a big BUT, you get your cup and sit out on the aft deck and watch the sun come up over the gulf, or other water. That is something that makes up for a lot of average coffee. By day 2 or 3 you start looking forward to it. Plus there is the pay for good coffee place, Starbucks of the seas.

    Could we bring a French press? This is our first time cruising. We buy whole bean  from a local roaster and grind them fresh each morning. We love dark roasted coffee ️ 😄


  2. We are doing the same thing with our 11 year old son! This is our first cruise and he has recently been asking if we will ever be able to take one. He knows we are going on vacation in May to the “beach” but has no clue that beach will be in the Bahamas! It will also be a couple weeks before before his birthday. We are so excited!! 

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