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Posts posted by Techie_Chick

  1. My husband is a junior. We have him on the reservation as firstname lastname jr, by putting his last name as “lastname jr.” His legal documents have jr in his name. I just noticed that his name on his vaccine card is just firstname lastname. Any other juniors out there with this problem? Was it a problem at checkin for you? 

  2. 47 minutes ago, sailorcrew said:

    Did Rony send you a bill from Paypal or just ask you to transfer money to him via Paypal?

    He just told me what the total amount due was, and gave me instructions for paying him through PayPal. No bill through PayPal. 

  3. 8 hours ago, Glide_Path said:

    This was the issue I was having.  Seems like both Rony and Bodden are highly recommended here.  For a upcoming sailing,  Rony asked for a deposit or pay in full... Bodden didn't.  I ended up booking with Bodden.  Trip hasn't happen yet, so we'll see how that goes.  Looking at the older reviews, Rony didn't use to ask for a deposit.

    We did end up deciding just to pay it in full. That way, it’s already paid for and we don’t have to worry about bringing cash with us for it. And after talking to Rony about it, he did say he would refund if the boat missed the port. 


    Good of luck with your tour with Bodden. I did see he has really good reviews as well. You’ll have to let me know how it goes. My cruise isn’t until April. 


    I’m so excited for this tour. We’re going to be doing the sloths and Little French Key. 

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  4. After reading all of the positive reviews here and elsewhere, we’ve decided to book a private tour with Rony’s.


    After placing the booking he asked us to pay a deposit or pay in full. We don’t have a problem with this. We were actually thinking of just paying in full so we don’t have to worry about it when we get there.


    My concern is what if we miss the port for some reason. Does anyone have any experience with booking a tour with Rony’s and then not making it there for some reason?  Was he hard to get a refund from?

  5. 2 hours ago, Ourusualbeach said:



    After spending more than an hour on the phone with Royal today I can let you know the outcome in my situation.  


    I had had two clients reservations that were changed from an 8D to a 3D guarantee.  Finally got a hold of someone in revenue involved in this project and was told (at least for my clients cabins) that the move to a 3D guarantee was temporary as they changed cabin categories.  Apparently  there cannot be guests  in the cabin for them to change categories so they need to move people out before moving them back. I was assured that my clients would be moved back to their original booked staterooms and was told yes.  When I asked for this in writing they provided it to me in writing.  Hopefully many others fall under this scenario and will not be moved. 

    Thanks so much for this. I’m hoping my travel agent was misinformed by the Royal rep she spoke with and this applies to us as well. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, The Sunset Glow said:


    What type of guarantee do you have now? Is it Oceanview guarantee, Neighborhood guarantee or just balcony guarantee? And what was the exact category you paid for?

    It just says GTY for the room. It doesn’t tell me what type of guarantee. The category I paid for was 8D Oceanview balcony. 

  7. 2 hours ago, cruisinfanatic said:

    is cost of guarantee lower than you are paying?

    Room prices have gone up since I booked it, so it isn’t lower than what I paid. Back when I booked it though, guaranteed rooms were cheaper than choose your room. 

    For everyone saying the travel agent was less than honest, I kind of figured what she was saying wasn’t right. I wouldn’t know what to call back and say though, other than calling her a liar. And my non-confrontational side wouldn’t allow me to do that. I’m just going to hope she’s right about the higher category room assignments, and that I get something in a good location. If not hopefully I can get moved somewhere better. Can’t say I’m happy about the situation though. 

  8. I also noticed my room changed to guarantee. My travel agent called in and was told our room was re-classified to hold 3 people. Supposedly they are going to be moving anyone this happened to, to a higher category room. The person my travel agent spoke with said the room should be reassigned in a month, and if I don’t like the new location I can call in and have it moved. When I pointed out that I paid more to pick my room vs getting a guaranteed room originally, she gave me a line that I can change my room location and wouldn’t have been able to with a normal guarantee room. 

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