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Posts posted by ReyRey

  1. I was in Bermuda last week and stopped at snorkel park. After reading reviews of people saying they liked it i'm sorry to say but I was not impressed. It was nice an close to the ship, but it wasnt anything special. Its a man made beach and there aren't any waves so I think that made it kind of boring. The guy at the jetski rental stand didnt seem very friendly, not to mention the price was absurd, $140 for 1 jetski 2 riders, and its a guided tour (no fun!). The prices at the bar were pretty steep too, $17 for a cheesesteak. Didnt even bother to look at the drink prices. Your better off walking back to the ship for food or drinks.


    If your looking for a beach to spend the day definetly check out Horshoe bay, and use the shuttle to get back up the hill. Its definetly the best dollar you'll ever spend in bermuda

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