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Posts posted by kerrin

  1. Thanks, that is exactly the type of information I was looking for.

    The SixthMan cruises you usually go on sound more like the JoCoCruise, with a jam packed scheduled, and the artists being on board and mingling with the guests.

    I actually don't like the cruise part of themed cruises, the ship entertainment is usually lack lustre and not to my tastes.

    It sounds like the Bon Jovi cruise is more towards a standard cruise.


    Thanks very much for making the effort to register to post this. I really appreciate it.

  2. So I have been on 7 cruises in the past 7 years, all in the Caribbean with the JoCo Cruise (the last one just in March).

    I am a big Bon Jovi fan, and as a UK resident, I was interested in the Mediterranean cruise coming up in August, but I know it won't be as good as the extremely high standard I have come to expect to on the JoCo Cruise.
    It's not about the cruise company, although I do have worries about that too. I am used to the performers being on ship the whole cruise, you bump into them in the corridor, or at the buffet. I very much doubt that Jon is on boat the whole cruise. How much is he actually on the boat?

    Was anyone on the Caribbean Bon Jovi cruise just over a week ago?
    Can you tell me want they did right? And more importantly, what they did wrong?
    I'm still very much on the fence on this, but currently on the side of not going, as I doubt it will be as good as I expect it would need to be for me not to feel let down.

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