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Posts posted by anacreontic

  1. I just did a quick google search and pulled up several tabs that said you couldn't get out the yellow and that it may be a sign you needed a new mask so I was debating on buying new gear. The rubber on the masks, tube and straps seemed fine and not brittle, so I decided what they heck...I'd just clean them up for sanitation with some dish soap and use them one last time. They'd be unattractive so I wouldn't be concerned about losing them or them getting taken as I would with fresh new gear anyway. So I drew up a sink full of warm soapy water and went to the grocery store. When I returned about an hour later, almost all of the yellow had came out. Now, I may have had a different type of yellow but I've heard that toothpaste also does the trick. It's worth a shot, I can testify to this because as I'm typing my fingers are still waterlogged. Hope this saves someone some $$$.

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