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Kim Fontaine

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Posts posted by Kim Fontaine

  1. We have now traveled 14-16 cruises: Used our trip insurance twice: Once for missing boat out of NY ( Bad snow storm): Flew to St. Thomas and waited at nice motel for the ship to catch up with us: 2nd time was much worse : Flew to San Diego to do Mexican Rev... Again missed the boat: Not our fault: This one was scary: Had to be flown into Guadaljara (sp). Then over the mountains to Acapulca: We don't speak Spanish: We don't like being surrounded by guns and soldiers: Again took two days for ship to catch up: Hotel was great but armed guards and jeeps with mounted "cannons" pointed at everyone on the beach was not fun: Yes we had insurance .Yes we were reimbursed: Yes we had credit cards but won't ever go back to that side of Mexico again::(

  2. Last year on the Dawn we dropped our carry on luggage at( ? suggested place) and then went to main dinning room for lunch; when we finished we went to gather our lugguage and ( Blank) could not remember where the location was; A sweet young lady must have seen us looking confused as she asked if we had a problem: she knew just where our lugguage was and walked with us to the area: not leaving us until we had our carryons in hand: As she was departing she said.. "and i will see you in the casino later: " Sure enough, after seeing the show, i went down to check out the casino and she spoke to me usiong my first name: needless to say.. when it came to filling out the cards for service beyond the call of duty.. we greatly praised our young lady and told them how much we appreciated her remembering my name too: ( We are an older couple... little things do mean alot) :)

  3. In my opinion: i wouldn't go in May or June to the Carribean: i went once early in May and said never again: To hot down there:

    If you are thinking 5 days why not do 7: Usually you can find better bargins on 7 day cruises:

    Eastern Car... is a good place to go for beginners: St. Thomas and St Maartan are fun: of course as for shopping it depends what you are looking for:

    I really don't think you would enjoy sleeping 4 to a room : Why not consider one balcony and one inside room ( on the same deck: ) If it were my friends or family with only one bathroom we would kill each other: if you have the insideroom across from the balcony you both can enjoy it .

    You didn't give your ages: if you can avoid hurricanes i would shoot for Oct.

    Do plenty of research and don't forget insurance: i wouldn't leave USA without it: Enjoy:

  4. Bring a small travel alarm clock (with florescent) dial: very helpful in the middle of the night:

    I still insist on my over the bathroom door (shoe) rack: ( plastic) that I bought at Walmart: Hubby takes top portion I use bottom portion: Shelf space can be miniscule in BR: Toiletries, disposable razors, female needs,meds in indvidual bottles, mole skin,pepto, black iodex, bagbalm, mini sewing kit (with buttons) band aids, mouth wash,.. yes i am a senior..: My comfort zone is having what I am use to at home.. I buy everything in travel size : Anything opened I do not bring back with me: Boninne is the exception: Seldom use more than a couple but wouldn't leave it to be thrown away:) You are a wonderful friend to think of this list:

    Oh almost forgot: On NCL ( not sure on other lines) there is a panel .. no k nob.. Once I figured how to open it.. This is where extra toilet tissue , waste bags, female products, etc are stored:(this is in the BR under the sink area):

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