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Posts posted by Tsommer12

  1. 9 minutes ago, lenquixote66 said:

    I have been suffering from Vertigo since 2012. I cannot be on a plane or a train .I have been to several ENT's ,have tried accupuncture and probably everything else.Nothing has worked. I have sensations of walls moving giving me the feeling of being on a merry go round.

    I’m looking for people who have had experience with MDDS as a result of going on a cruise. Not regular vertigo. 

  2. 18 hours ago, mom says said:

    If it's lasted 10 days, then you really should consider seeing a doctor, not a chiropractor. This could be your family physician, or if you prefer, an ENT specialist, since they are used to treating patients with vertigo problems.


    I've had problems with MDDS in the past, but since I started the practice of continuing my daily Bonine for several days post cruise it hasn't recurred.

    I’ve seen two doctors. My ENT said it has to work it’s way out of me and takes time, but wanted to see what other people had experienced with something like this. I went Online and you see all these horror stories about people who’ve had it for years, so wanted to consult avid cruisers who have experienced this. 

  3. 30 minutes ago, mom says said:

    If it's lasted 10 days, then you really should consider seeing a doctor, not a chiropractor. This could be your family physician, or if you prefer, an ENT specialist, since they are used to treating patients with vertigo problems.


    I've had problems with MDDS in the past, but since I started the practice of continuing my daily Bonine for several days post cruise it hasn't recurred.

    I’ve seen two doctors. My ENT said it has to work it’s way out of me and takes time, but wanted to see what other people had experienced with something like this. I went Online and you see all these horror stories about people who’ve had it for years, so wanted to consult avid cruisers who have experienced this. 

  4. On 8/20/2018 at 9:28 PM, PirateMan93 said:

    Im getting scared and am curious if this is normal and came across this forum. Now I wasn’t on a cruise, but I went to Alexandria Bay Wednesday to Saturday last week and on Thursday went on the Uncle Sam Boat Tour. It was a two and a half hour boat tour that took you around the islands. It was a three floor boat, and I spent most of it on the third floor near the front railing looking over. After we got off the boat, I had the tiniest of sensations I was still on a boat, but it didn’t feel weird. But Friday it started to hit me when I woke up. If I lay on my side and rocked it’d feel like I was moving and rocking on a boat. Walking around made it kinda go away, but standing still or sitting up I just had the sensation. And when I woke up Saturday I still had it, but worse it seems. The car ride home made me feel a little better, but when I got out of the car I felt so dizzy like I was going to fall over. I had the feeling all day yesterday and now today, too. I feel fatigued and weak, and when I walk it feels like I’m walking on the deck of a boat, like it’s bobbing up and down, and my head just feels dizzy. I was fine the day before the boat ride. It wasn’t my first time on a boat, either, but probably the longest. Last year I went to Niagra Falls on the Maid of the Mist and didn’t feel like this, and last year also went on the Sea Rocket boat ride at Ocean City MD and felt fine, albeit a tiny bit like I was on a boat afterward for a few hours tops. But this, this is just making me feel like crap. I took a motion sickness pill, that didn’t help. I feel like I can’t concetrate on stuff, like if I’m sitting down and going to reach for something I feel like I’ll fall over. Same if I bend and squat, I feel I’ll tip over any second.


    I’m starting to get worried this won’t go away. I hate this feeling of being dizzy and bobbing. Will this go away, and is constantly feeling like this for 3 days normal? Thank you!

    Did yours ever clear up?? I’ve had the same experience after a 6 hour boat ride in Miami and I am Miserable!! My doctor said it is likely Mdds but that it usually clears up with time. It’s been 10 days and I’m suffering hard. Also the internet has scared me to death!! Would love to hear a status update of your story!!

  5. I’ve come across a few of these forums in doing research after having been diagnosed with MDDS after a 6 hour boat ride in Miami last week. It’s been about 10 days of constant bobbing, vertigo, weird gravitational pulling and head pressure. I’m miserable!!! I know A lot of you have experienced this post cruise, and wanted to get advise on recovery time and any tips on treatment. The internet has successfully scared me to death that I am going to be stuck this way for life, so wanted to check with frequent cruisers on your experiences with it. Do you find that it gets better gradually or wake up and finally back on land? Anyone done acupuncture or seen a chiropractor to help reset the equilibrium??


    thanks for your help! I’m suffering over here and an anxious mess!  

  6. On 4/26/2013 at 4:31 AM, HeyJude1968 said:

    Hi I've just been diagnosed with MdDS after 11 weeks back on land and still rocking and swaying. As no sickness pills or nausea meds work for this syndrome I was looking for some advice from others who have actually been diagnosed with Mal de Debarquement Syndrome and have had success in dealing with or treating the symptoms. The only time I feel normal is when I'm driving in my car, which is typical for this syndrome, and have actually driven around and around the block when it has gotten to bad and I haven't been able to cope.


    Did this ever clear up for you?? I’m on day 10 of bobbing and ear fullness vertigo etc with no improvement in symptoms! This is debilitating and the internet is a scary place when it comes to MDDS. 

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