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Posts posted by daveb722

  1. Anyone use the Haven on the Gem?  I understand its a smaller scale but it is hard to find out specific details. Here are a few questions I have:

    1) Appears no bar located in the Haven, are servers there and do they get the drinks relatively quickly?

    2) No restaurant specifically for the Haven, but appear to use Cagney's, is this for all 3 meals and is Cagney only open for Haven guests at Breakfast and Lunch?

    3) Cell phones for butlers, do they have them? I read that this class ship they did not.  If not how do you get ahold of them?

    4) I saw a user posted about distilled water for their cpap machine, did they fulfill this request as i will need the same?


    THanks, I just bid on this and won today, so now I'm scrambling on getting info for my 14 day cruise from Boston to Southern Carribean.  and with 6.5 days at sea this seemed so worth it, plus with my recent back surgery, I think it will be more beneficial to keeping it less strained in the Haven area.  Thanks for any info.


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