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Posts posted by ChattieKathy

  1. Very cute suits!!! I like the one with the goldish pattern on the top that is darker on the bottom! And I LOVE the animal print with the assymetrical skirt! I'm not crazy about suits with skirts either, but that is really cute! I have a suit by Longitude, and I do like it a lot. I just might have to find those 2 in a store (or order online) but probably not through Ebay. I haven't got any vacations/cruises planned right now, but you never know when one could sneak up on ya!!

  2. That Tommy Bahama suit is cute! It's so hard to find a swimsuit in earth tones that isn't dark. Be careful of those horizontal stripes...they tend to make things look a little wider than they actually are. It also looks like it is open on the sides, with that panel only in the front. I would have a hard time wearing that without a lot of "spillage" coming over the sides.


    I have a very hard time finding a swim suit that isn't black, or isn't skimpy. There just aren't a lot of "cute" one piece suits that aren't black and ugly.

  3. Here is another photo from my older daughter's wedding. When she was little, I thought she might be a winter with her very fair skin and dark hair (my mom is a winter). But, when I would put her in winter colors, she would actually look sick! As she has gotten older, she has experimented with lots of different colors, but tends to come back to an autumn pallet.


    Her wedding dress was ivory. My dress was a champagne color. The wall behind really helped in this photo as well!



  4. Hello Earth Sisters (and brothers)!


    I've been using the color system most of my adult life. I can't say I was happy to be an "Autumn"...I've never been crazy about many of the colors! But, in all honesty, they look much better on me than the cooler colors. I do tend to wear a larger spectrum of the teal family than the charts allow for. I love all shades of aqua. I actually had my colors done in in my early 20's by a company that made a custom packet for you after trying on a large amount of drapes in the warm/cool pallets. My pallet did contain a large amount of teals/aquas among the warm colors.


    I've found this Earth and Fire discussion very interesting because I have found that I do like some fiery colors. I love a bright salmon, and find that many of the fluorescent colors (greens, pinks, orange, blues) make my skin look healthy.


    When I was little, my hair was a coppery light brown. It got darker as I got older, but always had red/copper highlights. I'm very fair, and have dark brown eyes. Now, I have my hair highlighted with red and gold. I tell the stylist to make them "chunky" because if I wanted it to look natural, I wouldn't get it colored.


    This is a photo of me and my two daughters (both are Autumn/Earths I believe). My top was much warmer than it appears in this photo but my younger daughter's red was very, very warm, and the contrast made mine look a bit cooler than it actually is.


    Thanks for the Earth thread!!



  5. Thanks for the heads up on the other thread! I'm working my way through it...and it is quite a long one!!


    I think the thing that has always been challenging to me is that my mom is a classic winter with that "Snow White" look...light skin and dark, dark hair and eyes. I LOVE her colors and she is very dramatic in her choices. But...my own coloring is very different than hers and is very warm with ivory skin, and the coppery hair, and dark brown eyes.


    The problem for me is I don't really LIKE the warm muted colors except for a few. Warm colors look better on me than cool. But if I have to wear warm, I tend to LIKE more in the spring/fire pallet...but it's more about colors I like than what looks best on me. I am confident that I'm warm...but I'm not convinced that those rusts, and muddy golds are my best. But is it my dislike of the colors in general?


    I will post more on the other thread AFTER I read it all!!

  6. ChattieKathy...another welcome...Curt believes that you have your same coloring your whole life. In fact, as you get older, and your hair changes color, if you want to color your hair, he recommends that you return to the hair coloring that you had as a child. I do recall in the original Color Me Beautiful books that the author said that your coloring (and thus your season) could change as you get older (especially as your hair changes color), but I don't believe that.


    The color palattes that are given by different color analysts can vary widely. The only difference between spring and autumn colors is clarity. Spring is clear with autumn muted. I would clarify that you are refering to the clear colors looking better on you? Or is it only that you are liking a lighter color (but still muted) which would still be an autumn color? It's possible that you were mislabeled an autumn...or like Kim said, you could just be moving toward the lighter end of the autumn spectrum.



    It's not impossible I was mislabeled. I originally had my colors done by a company that made a custom color packet for you after trying tons of fabric drapes. I think it was called "Over the Rainbow"...but that was 27 years ago :eek: My 28 year old daughter was a baby at the time. The colors they chose for me were heavy on the teals and aquas, salmony pinks, warm reds, various browns and some yellows. I did get some of the darker olives, but I've never really felt comfortable in rust, and the muddy golds even though they are typically autumn colors and were in my packet.


    The other problem I have experienced over the years is that I'm a curvy girly-girl...not at all the "sporty-natural" type. I love ruffles and romantic style clothes. It is NOT easy to find romantic syle clothes in the autumn range. I think that I have rebelled against the style of many of the autumny (is that a word?:rolleyes:) fashion options.


    My hair was a very coppery medium to light brown when I was little. My base color is now close to the natural. I get chunky blond and red highlights now (just to have some fun...got tired of paying big bucks to look "natural"!)


    It's SO FUN to talk colors again...it's been quite a few years!

  7. I can't believe I've missed all of this color discussion! I haven't been on CC for a long time, but with my impending cruise (Sunday the 5th on Allure!!!!)...I thought I'd stop in. And what do I find??? One of my favorite topics for discussion!!!


    I am an autumn daughter of a winter! I spent most of my life in winter clothes until I had my "colors done". It took me awhile to adjust to wearing warm tones after a lifetime in cool colors...but as I embraced it...I loved it so much! I even took a few seminars and worked as a color consultant for awhile.


    My natural hair color is medium brown with a lot of red (kind of a copper look in the sunlight). I am very fair, and have brown eyes. As I've gotten a little older (and more gray), I've been going with red and golden blonde highlights on a warm medium brown base. It seems like the older I get, I'm finding I'm liking the spring tones a little more. Do we change as we get older?? Is it possible that spring colors will look better on a more mature autumn??

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