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Posts posted by Cruisetine

  1. A family member has done it 3 times, so I got a scoop of the ins and outs.


    The whole thing changes from ship to ship and from lipsynch wrangler (host) to lsb wrangler. 


    It is only available from 7 day cruises onwards.


    You do audition and compete against other guests they choose 1 guy, 1 lady 18+


    The “commitments” after being selected after audition are:

    * A quick photoshoot

    * mini battle with 2 small pieces of songs (you don’t pick this songs) 

    * Televised show transmitted to cabins (unless their schedule doesn’t permit it)

    * Rehearsal with costume fitting (costumes go from s/m to XL usually)

    * main show (you do 2 songs, one pick from a big book supplied by them with lots of choices (round 1) and another pick from 3 song options (those are the ones that involve the costume)

    The commitments never happen when the ship is docked.

    The commitments change from day to day in different ships but they will give you a schedule.


    Both contestants get the same “prices” which are just courtesy details like a bottle of wine and other things depending again on availability. It’s more the experience of performing on usually the closing show of the cruise what they give (getting to meet the dancers, see the backstage and dressing room and how they operate a show) 


    Hopefully this was useful. 



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