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Posts posted by witchofthewastes

  1. 1 minute ago, RocketMan275 said:

    I know anti-biotics don't work on viruses.  The doc said he was prescribing the ZPac as a preventative for secondary bacteria infections and that Cipro would be 'overkill'.  Every time I have been prescribed ZPACs for infections, I've had to go back and get a Cipro prescription.  So, he prescribed something that won't work for me and wouldn't prescribe something that has worked in the past.  He did say he didn't do Cipro because of the side-effects.  He wouldn't budge even when I told him I had taken Cipro five or six times with no adverse reactions.  Well, based upon my past history, it's not 'overkill'.  If anything the Zpac is 'underkill', all it does for me is help the bacteria develop resistance. 


    Just because a doctor has a medical degree they think they know more about what works for me and what doesn't.   I have over seventy years experience in know what works for me and what doesn't.

    If I'm not feeling better monday, I'll call my GP who will prescribe the Cipro.   I've been seeing him for 15+ years.  He knows what works for me and what doesn't.   His office is closed today.


    I remember a young medical corps Captain when I was in the service.  I had a sinus infection.  He asked me "what can I do for you today"?  OK, he asked, I told him that I needed a prescription for three medications which I named.  He asked me where I got my medical degree?  I admitted I had none. He asked why he should write those three prescriptions. I replied, I've been here five times in the past with these symptons and have always received those three prescriptions.  He flipped through my files and wrote those same three prescriptions.  He was a good guy.  He said in the future we could save time for both of us if I would just tell his nurse who I am and to fetch those three prescriptions.  Worked well until I left the service.

    Cipro can cause acute renal injury and trigger colitis, so I understand why the provider was hesitant to write for it. Either way, I hope you feel better soon, and I’m sorry your doc visit was frustrating. Hopefully you can build that kind of rapport you had in the service with another provider.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, RocketMan275 said:

    Will be looking for the report.


    FWIW, went to the Doc n Box this AM with very sore throat. 

    Doc says it's a virus which I probably contracted last week on Breakaway.  Mostly likely one of the last two days.

    Tested negative for flu and for COVID.

    Gave me one of those useless Z-packs which never do any good for me.  Wouldn't write for Cipro which always works.  Also a steroid shot and a some stuff to relieve the sore throat.  

    Feeling better already.  Must be the steroids because I gave the Z-Pac to the wife.

    Your friendly local er nurse would like to remind everyone that antibiotics only help the bacteria develop resistance when you take them for viral illness 😁.  That being said, strep is running rampant at my er so I hope they checked for that and I hope you have a quick recovery.

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