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Posts posted by hoops71

  1. Ha! We loved the Prima.  Especially the Indulge food hall concept. (That concept may be the future just as freestyle dining was).  Some growing pains with any new class of ship, but over all it was great.  I laugh when I see people call it a "disaster".  Would love to see an actual poll from people off the Prima and Viva


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  2. We were on the Jewel from Japan to Seoul in March. Everything was amazing.  For every negative review on this site how many positive reviews never get posted?  I’ve been on 15 NCL cruise, never had a bad one.  And this is the closest I’ve come to ever leaving a review.  Had decent cruises on Carnival and Royal as well.  They also did not get one.  I would hazard a guess that negative reviews dominate these boards 10 to 1.  If that was the true customer satisfaction score all of the lines would be failing.

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  3. In March of this year, my wife and I were on the Tokyo to Seoul(Incheon) itinerary on the Jewel.  I believe it was 10 or 11 days.  It was an amazing cruise with most of the stops in Japan including an overnight in Kobe(Kyoto).  Each stop had its own amazing cultural or historical significance from Nagoya, Nagasaki, Okinawa, Kyoto and of course Tokyo itself.  We flew in two days early on NCL air.  I know alot of people want to give a bad rap on hear, but our flights were great and amazingly cheap.  We fly out of DFW and save over two thousand dollars.


    That being said, I don't recall any specific changes to dining based on our destinations or the cruise passenger make up.   As an estimate, I would say the breakdown of the demographics were roughly as follows:  30% Japanese, 20% Chinese, 20% Australian 10% European and 10% American.  These are very rough estimates of course.  Plus I spend most of my sea time in the casino or the humidor.  So that may just be the demographics there!  But I did not see any special menus based on the clientele.  There was the wide range of tastes that NCL normally gives.


    It was an amazing experience, and currently in our top two cruises of all time (Iceland/Ireland was other).  I know you guys will have a great time, whichever line you choose.  Just book it soon.  Prices are going up.  And agents are standing by to take your call!!!

  4. On 3/11/2024 at 3:29 PM, itseaya said:

    How were the international flights?  We will be flying out of Dallas/Ft Worth in December to London, we have a 2 day deviation.  We got the BOGO only because we priced the international flights on their own and it was so much more.

    It's a transatlantic so we will be coming back to Miami.  We just got off the Prima a few weeks ago but it was out of Galveston so we drove.  

    The flights were great and had a great cruise.  Had one stop layover for hour and half  at LAX on outbound trip to Tokyo.  Had direct nonstop back from Seoul to DFW.  Total cost of airfare through NCL for both my wife and I was $1,100.00.  Which was at least two thousand savings.  No issues with the flights.  Still fighting the jet lag though!!

    • Like 3
  5. I have use NCL air many times and have had great success for the most part.  The only exception was out of Seattle after an Alaskan cruise.  Our flight left at 11:59pm, the absolute deadline!

    I will say that we live near a major hub Dallas/Fort Worth which I think helps, but we have saved a lot of money on airfare through NCL.  I have found international flights to be quite the bargain through the NCL promotion with decent to excellent flight times.  We have done London roundtrip, Rome/Lisbon on the Viva, and about to take off for Tokyo/Seoul on the Jewel in two days.  Each of those trips we saved over a thousand on airfare and about half with direct flights.(never more than one stop)  

    On domestic flights I am more careful.  First because it is not as big a price benefit.  Second, if its on the West coast is is easier for NCL to put you on a red eye to save money.  If the cruise is out of eastern port and the price savings are significant I might consider it.  That being said you are always locking in price now and forecasting for later.  

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  6. I have sailed on NCL 14 times.  Six of those after the pandemic.  I have also cruised Carnival and Royal.

    I would say the certain things have declined across all three lines, but nothing that would make want to stop cruising with them.

    It is annoying that basically things cost more for less now.  Examples that come to mind are new or higher upcharges in the specialty resturants or the thermal suite pass now being a lot more than it was.   But clearly the demand is still there at those prices and I am still part of the demand.  I still feel it is all worth it.  Dollar for dollar cruising is still the better option than land vacations for me and my family.  I am sure there is a price or a quality level that would change that.  But NCL has not reached it and I still have an overall great time on their ships.


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    • Thanks 1
  7. Really confused now.  Been following this thread for about month because I was sure I would have to deal with the issue.  However, just got off the Viva Rome to Lisbon yesterday.  It stopped in Italy, France, Spain and Portugal.  Yet we were never charged VAT on any of our drink package or even on a couple of upgraded drinks.  Whatever is happening seems to be ship to ship.


  8. Do you think it would be any different if I only use my Casinos at Sea free drink card while in their Spanish waters?  Never had to think which drink plan I was using in the past, but might now.  Just trying to think of work arounds or loopholes.  We will be on the Viva Rome to Lisbon starting 9/23, but 5 of the 8 stops are in Spanish ports.

  9. We were on the Prima NY-Bermuda on the April 30th sailing in only an inside cabin.  I am also Sapphire, but alas only Pearl with CAS.  I thought for the most part the ship was beautiful, and that the great majority of the complaints I had read leading up to the cruise were either nonexistent or blown out of proportion.


    That being said, the only major complaint I had was cabin noise on the two days at sea headed to Bermuda.  I almost went mad by the second night.  There was all the creaking, and somehow on deck five midship you could hear bass coming from a club till 3am on the second night.  (maybe the elevator shaft which we were near funneled the noise?)  Whatever it was it is a serious flaw to the ship.  One I somehow missed in the barrage of other complaints about the Prima posted online.


    And I can truly empathize with the OP.  It definitely effected my enjoyment, mood and attitude those first couple of days.  My only solution was to self medicate in the casino until I thought I could sleep through a hurricane. (Not the healthiest option)  I can't imagine if that had gone on for two more days.  Therefore, I think the $500 is a bit cheap IMO.(especially considering it turns out there were other options the entire time)  But different people put a different value on sleep.


    Does anyone think that it being a new ship creates this problem?  In other words, as the ship ages will the creaking work itself out, or only get worse?

  10. Just got off the Prima on Sunday, but it did set sail on April 30th if that matters.  Wife and had the P-plus drink package.  She practically took a bath in the Veuve. So these possible changes were clearly not in effect on that sailing.  They were out of the Sinatra Jack Daniel's (I made do anyway!).  Had a great cruise.

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    • Haha 1
  11. 2 hours ago, JamieLogical said:


    That is only if they had paying passengers onboard prior to the repositioning.

    Quick question.  Will that effect my Epic sailings out of NYC and San Juan in December when the ship comes across the Atlantic?  Will Epic have to quarantine for 14 before it can do any cruises over on this side?  Or will they do the transatlantic without passengers?

  12. 6 minutes ago, KennyFla said:

    Getting the vaccine is a choice.  So according to you, if you decide you are gay, and a bakery doesn't want to serve gay people, that is OK.


    Everybody else thinks that is discrimination.  And I am talking here about grocery stores, theaters, etc.  I also believe when it comes to the virus cruise lines are a special case because of logistics, and should get an exception.


    The order was to prevent discrimination.  And if you don't believe it will happen, check out New Jersey.


    7 minutes ago, KennyFla said:

    Getting the vaccine is a choice.  So according to you, if you decide you are gay, and a bakery doesn't want to serve gay people, that is OK.

    FYI.  The Bakery won that case in the supreme court.  Not that I agree with it, but it is the law of the land.  Homosexuals are not a protected class under Title VII.  Hard the think the court would rule that the unvaccinated are a "protected class" under the statute.  The civil rights statute is rather limited.

  13. I am sure what I am about to ask is stupid, especially since I work in the law, but here it goes anyway.


    I understand the basics of the PSVA and its structure and rules.  But what is its purpose?  What is the benefit to the USA or its citizens to require the stop in a foreign port?  It seems the benefit is to the foreign port of calls.  


     I guess if I understood the laws motives it would be easier to know whether there would be any resistance to getting it changed.  Essentially tacking on the change as an amendment to some Covid relief bill or any other legislation.


    Who out there would fight it?  and why?

  14. 1 hour ago, sanger727 said:


    I now realize you are a troll.  There's no need to continuing with a ridiculous argument. Bye.

    Don't worry I stopped responding to her towards the beginning of this thread when she responding to my post comparing the situation to measles and mumps vaccinations in school, by stating that  "COVID-19 is a virus and mumps and measles were a disease".  I pointed out the obvious.  Mumps, measles and polio are also caused by viruses. Crickets.... Hasn't stopped her for one moment, trying to "educate" us. 

  15. Just so you know.  Measles is a virus. Mumps is a virus.  So is Polio.  


    As far as rushed vaccines,  I won't be first in line either until proven effective and safe.  But have no problem with schools or cruises requiring them once proven to be so.



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  16. I don't understand.  Why is proof of vaccination (once widely available) so shocking or outrageous?  We require this proof in schools for mumps, measles, etc.  I won't choose to live in fear either.  But why is this public health requirement so abhorrent?

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  17. I have been following this ongoing debate for several months now.  Most of the time it appears that people refuse to even consider the merits of the other sides argument.  Some like to selectively choose which data to treat as the gospel while ignoring just as meaningful data which contradicts their opinion or position.  Some claim their should be zero cruising until COVID is essentially eradicated or 100% of society is vaccinated. Others want the cruises started today, but don't want to make any changes or take any steps that doesn't fit with their own enjoyment level.  


    I guess I fall somewhere in between.  COVID is serious and should be treated as such.  But by society as a whole, not just the cruising industry.  The hypocrisy of allowing fans at football games, full flights, full casinos etc., but saying no to cruisers is disheartening.


    At the same time, we should be willing to modify some of our behaviors for the good of society and cruising to get it up and going again.  For example, wearing a mask just like you would indoors at a grocery store.  Just as the airlines have a "no fly" list for purposeful noncompliance, the cruises could have the same.


    Anyone who isn't comfortable cruising right now should not be shamed.  It is understandable.  There is risk involved.  Probably even higher risk than everyday activity around their hometown.  No one is forcing them to go.  Likewise, those who don't like new protocols that are designed to reduce risk of spread don't have to go on a cruise.  No one is forcing you to go either.


    I want to get back to cruising so bad it hurts.  I am willing to follow new protocols to do so.  I just don't believe that cruising should be held to either a higher or a lower standard than other industries.  The only concern I would have at this point is the protocol for what to do once a case is discovered onboard.  There has to be solution that doesn't involve just cancelling the rest of the cruise.  They are returning to states and ports that are already reporting thousands of new cases a day anyway.  What is twenty or thirty more?  The affected parties should be treated and concern.  All other issues should be handled just as if you are in a hotel or casino.  No better. No worse.


    My wife and I are booked on  November 1, 2020 Encore out of New York.  I have no expectations that it will go.  But I sure would like to see some movement  towards cruising soon.

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