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Everything posted by TravelBluebird

  1. I left the ship still with plenty of time..we were supposed to arrive by 9:05, HA, My husband would tell you I’m awful with directions. He is right. I couldn’t find either landmark (information center or Little Swiss) on the map, but I did see the 2 taxi circles on the map and a white tent. Walked over there,..no EDC tent (meeting spot). Wrong tent. Someone gave me directions… And I showed up at van 1 minute after it was supposed to leave at 9:15. Everyone was on the bus and glared at me. I felt AWFUL until I found out I wasn’t the last person to arrive. Two other people were lost and it took them another 10 minutes to find us. I’m going to do a YouTube short on how to find the meeting spot with actual photos of the tent, for future crusiers. Here is said tent in case you ever want to find it:
  2. Sorry for the semi-live nature of today (and yesterday) When I take these long excursions, I end up having to conserve phone battery for photos and videos. Didn’t want to also drag around my small Insta 360 camera too, although I think I’m going to do that more because of the battery situation (I do have. little portable phone battery which I forgot to pack), ANYWAY…. The beginning of my morning was rough (I’ve mentioned I’m not a morning person—waking up before 9am is hard!) Since I overslept, I didn’t have time for my espresso. Got a quick lox and bagels at Park Cafe and quickly knocked it on the floor. Had to wait for another one to be made. Drank the regular coffee there (it wasn’t bad; I like Lavazza). Headed back to my room and took the wrong corridor, so I had quite a walk back instead of a short walk back. STILL got out of ship on time to meet my excursion. I took the “small group” “St, Maarten Sights, Shopping and Sand”. Here is the description from Shore Excursions Group, through where I booked it: EXCURSION HIGHLIGHTS Enjoy an Island Drive and Beach Tour with a twist, visiting parts of the island usually not seen by cruise guests. Drive towards Cole Bay and Belle Vue, making a photo stop at the Harold Jack lookout point with magnificent views the sea. Journey to the French capital of Marigot, with free time to explore sidewalk cafes overlooking mega-yachts, open-air markets and more. Relax, swim and stroll on the white sand beach of Orient Bay. Get dropped off downtown in Philipsburg for shopping or taken back to the pier. All of that was TRUE excedpt that walking up to the Harold Jack lookout was too dangerous (rocky not paved and steep, and we didn’t stop in downtown Phillipsburg on the way back, but I’m sure that the Guide would have if someone wanted to. About 20 people in the group. Small, well air conditioned van.
  3. I know LOL I don’t ever sit still 😂. Well, I DID sit still for an entire 1/2 hour at the beach today! Would love to meet you! I’m not sure what I’m doing after dinner yet, but mostly chillin!
  4. Today was a PERFECT sunny Caribbean day; sunny sunny sunny! Warm but not TOO hot. My soul is happy. And Miss Wonder has certainly kept me busy!
  5. We are in heavy traffic on way over to French side. A bridge closed for maintenance
  6. I am on my tour! Woke up late, rushed lox and bagel and regular coffee at Park Cafe Them I got lost on way to my non-ship shore excursion meet up. Was 5 minutes late and everyone was on bus. I felt horrid but someone else was MORE late and lost for another 5 minutes. Phew I hate to be THAT person!
  7. They took the claw meat out and put it in the body Definitely Cold Water_only ones I like
  8. So I decided to get my fav Blueberry Nojito from my fav bartender in Boleros. Latin band was playing. They are good but WAY too loud; only 3 couples dancing; I think more would dance if they’d turn it down a bit. Then I wandered to the 1980s party. GREAT playlist, heavy on the new wave, the dancers leading the party were fun BUT it was terribly crowded with no room to dance; most of the people were watching the dancers instead of getting involved. And again it was LOUD; for some reason much louder than the Balloon Drop party. So I left after 15 minutes. Thought about the casino but have to be at my tour group meet point at 9am, so decided to walk though the beautifully quiet Central Park to sound-detox, and now I’m headed to bed. Night all! I’m excited about Sint Marteen in the morning!
  9. Seriously my pleasure! I enjoy sharing the experience! Ack JELLY I’m already counting that I only have 3 days left (1 port and 2 sea days). Don’t worry, we’re leaving your ship in good condition (well, so far)!
  10. By the way, the waves and wind got MUCH worse than in that video above. I have a video of tghat I need to edit shorter for you—I had to stand by the stores because it was SO windy. I think that is how those weather people who get blown around in hurricanes feel. Right now the seas are MUCH calmer than they have been. Wind at 32 knots pretty constant. Maybe Tropical Storm Philippe is finally moving his bloomin’ ___ out of the way of our cruise ship? I may or may not make it to the 80s Party…I’m TIRED and that is at 10:45pm! The parties are later on Royal, and tomorrow is an EARLY wake up for Sint Marteen. I have an independent tour there tomorrow morning (through ShoreEx; supposed to be a small group). Going to go pack my travel bag for tomorrow so if I DO go to the party, I won’t have to worry about it.
  11. Ok, back to the rest of the excursion while I finish my Coconut Cream Pie (tasty, could be fluffier). Also before I forget, for sides, I had french fries (basic but good) and the Mac N Cheese Lobster, just a taste. It was OK heavy on the cheese and light on the lobster, but then who am I to judge Mac N Cheese since I rarely eat it? As I said, rest of excursion… Mountain Top was a tourist trap, but I will forgive them because of the incredible views, Also the home of the World Famous Banana Daquiri (over 6 million sold!) and everyone who had one liked it. Plus they had my inexpensive beach towel, so props to them. Really one of the largest souvenir shops of any kind I’ve ever seen. We got to the beach and big signs said it was CLOSED. Well, it was closed unless you came in a tour bus or a taxi. We were told correctly no services except for bathrooms. I was glad I had my beach towel to sit down on after I finished walking on the beach. If you come to this beach, be a little careful—sharp drop off right after the breaker waves to the right. One gal I saw got a little bit stuck. Overall, Magen’s Bay is a BEAUTiFUL beach. While we were there it did NOT rain and everyone was sad that we only had 1 hour there instead of the usual (shortened because of the weather forcast). When our jitney got to Charlotte Amalie, it was met by one of those annoying “shopping associates.” big free party at Diamonds International! LOL. I followed the group there to get the lay of the land, a free water and charm, and barely stopped walking as I got out to explore on my own. Spent a considerable time sitting on a bench watching the stormy waves Met another “solo” traveler on the bench. Well, she was solo because she was here with her 20-something kids! I’ll try to post a movie below to give you the idea of it. Also, found a delightful small store, Harbor Front Trading Co. that specialized in handmade items and Fair Trade; got my sun a turtle and a small watercolor of St. Thomas to join 2 I have of Halifax for my video studio backdrop. We left in the pouring rain and very gusty winds! I walked around getting images of the port. It felt nice to get back to our big, beautiful ship. On the way in, a man in front of me slipped on a short metal gangway and fell hard. Brought up memories of my broken ankle. Other than a very skinned knee and being shook up, he was OK. In case I forgot to mention above, the captain did confirm that the short jaunt off course last night was to get the ill person to helicopter that came out to get him. IMG_1289.MOV
  12. The lobster was PERFECTLY cooked and delicious. Carnival undercooked my lobster twice on the Venezia and I STILL haven’t forgiven them. Maybe that’s why I’m on Wonder this week! 🥲
  13. I got both the Baked Oysters AND the Soft Shell Crabs for appetizers. Don’t judge me. Last thing I had to eat was at 10:30 am! 😀
  14. I THINK I’m looking down at the Solarium Bistro. Not fancy—going for a New England Lobster House vibe.
  15. Tried to venture into Ventral Park color Jazz band before dinner. It was raining heavily, so heard the orchestra playing on Promenade instead! At Hooked for dinner tonight. I just found out I can get whole Maine Lobster on the UDP. That is my favorite food. I may just cancel the rest of my dinners and eat here the rest of the cruise! 😂 Pretty empty—no problem with walk ins I’d imagine!
  16. Here are some more photos of the day—leaving the ship, and then Mountain Top; more about the day after I’m all settled for dinner: A Virgin ship was in port with us, and I later saw a Disney ship leaving.
  17. I have mixed feelings about today’s excursion (5 Star Magen Bay, Shopping) . Really, all it ended up being was transportation in an open jitney bus to 3 locations on the island and back to the ship. The locations are Mountain Top, Magen’s Bay, and downtown Charlotte Amalie. Jitneys seem a bit dangerous in the traffic and especially up the windy road to Mountain Top, but then I’m always uncomfortable without a seatbelt…many years ago I was in a taxi accident in London and got thrown into the windshield—yup, no seatbelt in the tai. That, and the minimal information the tour guide gave us was useless—very heavy accent, and even for times returning to bus at each location, we had to have him repeat several times. SO, for the $79.95 I was charged for this tour, I don’t think it is worth it at all. I STILL had a lovely time! Funny story. This morning I got to the excursion meet-up point (Royal Theater) and had they had beach towels available, bottles of water, etc. Found out no ponhos for rain or water would be provided on tour. I thought…hmm…I messed up, I should bring a beach towel and get a water. They said, sure you have a ton of time to get your beach bag. I go back to the room, and by the time I get back (maybe 10 minutes?) ALL the tours have left! (It wasn’t that many because of the cancellations). So, a crew member nicely brings me downstairs and shows me where my tour is. Cool.. Once on the line, they are offering refunds to EVERYONE who wanted one because the beach is closed today—no chairs, umbrellas, food, beverages. Ugh. No I’m REALLY sad I don’t have a towel and water. And we were told the beach was the first stop. Well, turns out the beach was NOT the first stop! Mountain Top was, and God will provide (or, the Island, if you are an atheist). I got a fine beach towel for $6.99 on sale in their ginormous gift shop, AND a water!
  18. I’m back, showered and ready for dinner! Didn’t get back to the ship till after 6pm. Does anyone know where I can get a great Chocolate Martini on the ship? It’s time for my first (and possibly only) mixed drink of the cruise! 😀
  19. @TYMAN Its true. With my insomnia last night I was worried I was waking up my neighbors every time I closed the bathroom door. BUT, I haven’t heard my neighbors doors banging so perhaps it is OK!
  20. I didn’t know either—feel like DH and I should have one since we travel often and could help someone out
  21. I’m on Mountaintop! Beautiful even in the rain. Low on phone battery so I’ll share most of my excursion later!
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