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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. We are currently on the Marina. The Covid policy as we know it (first hand, tested positive) is if you test positive on your PCR test you are quarantined in your stateroom for 6 days. Then you must have 2 consecutive negative antigen test performed by the medical personnel to be released from your room. If the antigen test continues to come up positive, medical will continue to test you every day until you are 10 days since you originally tested positive. After that 10th day, they will release you from your room regardless of your test result. If your spouse or traveling companion, tests negative they would be isolated to the stateroom for 5 days plus 2 consecutive negative antigen tests go be released as well. My husband tested positive, 3 days after me so that delays the process of us getting to return to “normal life”. In reality, you can end up in your stateroom for what will seem like an eternity. We are on a 22 day and have only seen the outside of our cabin 6 days. This is definitely the vacation I want to erase from my memory back. The ship will not communicate with you as to if others on the ship are positive or not. I believe Oceania should clearly state these procedures on their website, so everyone can make an informed decision prior to booking as to potentially how long they can be held quarantined.
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