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Posts posted by MissyKish

  1. On 8/11/2021 at 7:36 AM, bmswart3 said:

    I am booked on Horizon starting sunday 15th, and I've read different things about Bimini. Some say it isn't worth it, some say everything is closed anyway. Has anyone actually been there on a recent cruise and have an opinion? I was considering getting off the boat with my family and renting a golf cart for the day to explore the island. Is it worth it? Or should I just hang out on the boat and consider it another day of relaxation? THanks 

    Is Cheers worth it? Is the Steakhouse worth it? Is the Che's table worth it?  Another should I question that nobody can answer for you. 


    I miss having my gratuities removed.

    I miss reserving a chair near the pool and then going to get an extra couple hours of sleep.

    I miss wearing a baseball cap to dinner on formal night.

    I miss reserving a whole row of seats at the shows.

    I miss smoking on my balcony.

    • Haha 6
  3. 1 hour ago, Lee Cruiser said:

    You might want to read the bill of rights again. Also, check the 14th amendment.  It's called right to privacy. It's where the courts found other liberties that aren't spelled out.


    You are taking the 14th and making fit your views. Just like most people take the 2nd and twist it to allow people to have as many guns as they like. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed

    • Like 2
  4. 34 minutes ago, TinaLee said:

    No need to get snippish - some of those questions can be answered, especially the first 4 you raise. I think people are asking here because they think perhaps they have just missed seeing the guidance and are wondering if anyone else has read something they might have missed. And as a side, if you think it is easy to "convince" an anti-vaxx friend or family member to get the vaccine when they do not want to then you are deluded. Don't assume we haven't been trying all along, and not for the reason of cruising, but for the sake of their health. 

    I do agree with you! The people who will not get the vaccine will find whatever reason supports them. First it was "the vaccine was rushed." Then they found out science had been working on this type of vaccine for over 20 years. So they moved on to "it is only approved for emergency use." Then it became "it does this, it does that."  

    • Like 7
  5. Can I wear shorts in the MDR? Can I reduce my tips? Where are the smoking areas? Can I share my drink package?  Please people, stop with the questions that nobody has an answer to yet. You act line the cruise lines know everything and are keeping it a secret. The science and resulting answers are evolving and will continue to evolve. Best way to ensure no masks would be to convince your anti vaxx friends to submit to the science and get the vaccine.

    • Like 8
    • Thanks 3
  6. Everyone should do what they want. If I want to wear Khakis and a polo shirt and  you want to wear a suit and tie, how does one affect the other. I will not be standing behind you in your formal photos, nor will you be tasting me food in your suit before I eat. You "get dressed up people" are too worried about others and trying to pretend you are from a bygone age of travel like you saw on the Titanic. Just a note, that was a movie.

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  7. The same old crowd that can't get past the idea of no formal night are the same ones that talk about in the old days they cleaned your windows and checked your oil at a gas station. Times have changed, American society in general is much less formal. If you want to dress up, knock yourself out, but please stop with the "it insults me to that others do not." My legs and or polo shirt have no impact on your cruise and or meal.

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, CI66774 said:

    It would be unconst. for any individual state to restrict interstate travel to it/through it by requiring a vaccine Verification upon entry. It can require a test or a quarantine period but it cannot unilaterally requires all people driving, etc. through it to be vaccinated. 

    I love how many Constitutional Scholars there seems to be on Cruise Critic. Everyone that says "it would be un-constituional" has never read the Constitution.

    • Like 5
  9. But my cousin's mail man knows a girl who works with a guy who once talked to his brother's doctor. The mail man told me not to get the shot because the brother's doctor who by the way is an Eye Doctor thinks that there is a chance I could catch pink eye from the vaccine. 
    Sounds crazy, I know. But no more crazy than some of the other reasons people are giving for not getting the jab.

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  10. I have been a long time reader. Not really new, but the dress code nonsense made me want to post. My favorite line is "shorts are an insult to others in the room." I cannot imagine being so uptight, that someone in shorts insults me.

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  11. My questions are: Can I reduce my gratuities? Can I reserve a lounger at 6:00am and not sit in it until 10:00am? Can I share my drink package?    See we are getting back to the important issues!

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