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Posts posted by RALWauna

  1. FYI for traveling through Germany:  New info for all of us travelers that are going thru Germany on the way to Malta.  The Robert Koch Institute in Germany has designated the United States as a high-risk area effective at 0:00 hrs 15 August 2021.  It is not likely that designation will be removed  before my departure on 7 Sep.  I am staying overnight in Frankfurt on my way to Malta on 9 Sep.  Information regarding the change can be found here https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Risikogebiete_neu.html  .  The website is in Germany but has a link to an English translation as a pdf file.


    The long and short of the change is basically as follows:

    If you are transiting a German airport and do not leave the international area, than nothing really changes.


    However, if you do leave the international area, i.e. to stay overnight at a hotel or to sight see, then the regulations require that you submit a digital registration before you enter.  It appears that this can only be submitted 3 days before arrival.  To avoid quarantine, a requirement associated with a high-risk area designation, you must have been vaccinated or have a negative test, or recovered and the documentation must be uploaded to the digital registration site before arrival in Germany.  Upon doing so, quarantine is totally avoided.

  2. Malta requires a separate deuplf for each passenger.  Were you able to complete one for you and one for your spouse with a single deuplf account or did you have to create a second account in your spouses name with a different email address to submit her deuplf?


    I'm trying to get all the pieces together for our 9 Sep cruise to Greece and am wondering about this question.





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