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Everything posted by JAM37

  1. Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes. I do like macaroons, but only have them occasionally. Hearing loss not only affects the person with it, but also their family, friends and really any contacts. My DMIL used to get so aggravated with DFIL if he turned his hearing aids off or wasn't wearing them and now she won't even have her hearing checked. No tobacco use here. I like the quote. I would try the meal if put in front of me. @cunnorl, Charlene, what a scary experience. I am very glad DD was not hurt. Also happy that other than that you all had a great weekend. @Vict0riann, Ann, happy birthday to Pat. 🎂 @cat shepard, Ann, while unfortunate, I feel the one liner is true. @MISTER 67 congratulations on your hole in one. 🎉 Not much going on today. I talked with DH last night and he is doing well. Wishing everyone a terrific Tuesday. 🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.
  2. Good evening, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes. It was a nice day here for honoring our fallen heroes. I thank them daily for giving their all for our freedom. I have a friend who has MS. Some days she does things anyone else does and some days she can do nothing but stay in bed and even that hurts. Prayers that a cure is found soon. The only way I like tofu is in miso soup, but I would definitely try today's meal with chicken. DD and DGS left an hour ago. We had some fun in the pools Saturday and Sunday. Did some shopping all three days because DD starts training tomorrow for a new job. She hasn't worked since before DGS was born...he is almost 3 1/2. She has three weeks of training on site, two weeks of training at home and then will work from home. After another busy weekend full of fun and laughter I am going to put a movie on and relax before going to bed. @GTVCRUISER happy birthday! CC is giving me a heck of a time tagging people so I will try again tomorrow. Good night and sleep well everyone. 🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.
  3. I, like @marshhawk, would love to take up space at your table Gerry. 😁
  4. Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes. Human rights are very important. I like Jazz and hamburgers. I like the quote, although, IMO it is best to just be yourself. The meal sounds great. It saddened me as I read the second half of yesterday's Daily. I really still don't understand what it was all about. I did not "join" this family until August 2021. My husband was extremely I'll with Covid to the point he was sure he was going to die, I was feeding him a half cup of jello twice a day just to get some sort of sustenance in him. Some of you may remember he was sick for seven weeks. From the very beginning I felt welcomed and realized I had somehow come across a group of loving, caring people. As many have said before and again yesterday...this is my happy place, a safe place. I would hate to see it disappear. That being said, @richwmn I am willing to help out if/when needed. I understand what @cat shepard is saying and maybe others would be willing to take over the everyday posts if the ones who have been doing it for over two years want a break. Maybe there could be a three or six month rotation. Just suggestions.... Words cannot express how much I appreciate the dedication of @richwmn, @rafinmd, @cat shepard, @summer slope and @dfish. I will be forever grateful for the Daily family, their prayers, cheers and shares. Prayers we get past yesterday's issues and continue sharing and caring here for a long time. I agree with what several of you posted late yesterday, but I think @marshhawk and @Cruzin Terri really nailed down how I feel. Sorry for the long post...I will get off my soap box now. Wishing each of you a blessed Saturday. May we each find some joy in our lives today 🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.
  5. Roy, I think @Vict0riann is who helped with your IPAD. Hope you are having a great day.
  6. Good afternoon, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes. I always wear sunblock so no frying here. No wigs here either. I like the quote. The meal sounds good to me. Had brunch with a friend yesterday then she showed me where a smaller thrift store is located where I found some great finds. Then I went and bought my beach wagon and picked up some groceries including something to take to the condo social this evening. Now I should be set for the most part when my DSIL takes his car back tomorrow. My main needs will be produce which is light to carry from Publix which is within walking distance. I am hoping to find a good farmer's market soon, but I have time since I have to have a way to get there. Hoping all of our friends who are cruising are having a wonderful time. @lindaler I'm glad you made it safely to Mobile and hope the sale and rest of your move go smoothly. We are going through similar experiences this summer. @smitty34877 happy birthday to DS. It will be great for Tana to get outside. @grapau27 your lunches look delicious. Wishing each of you a fantastic Friday. 🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.
  7. Busy day today with errands and brunch with a friend but want to wish @StLouisCruisers and @kb4683 Bon Voyage. I'll finish reading once I'm back home. Have a great day! 🙂
  8. Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes. I feel for missing children and their families; always so happy to hear when they are found safe. I used to brown bag it most of the time in my school and working years. Thank you to @grapau27 for the explanation of Towel Day. Pride and Prejudice is a favorite of mine. I would give the meal a try...I think roasting the cauliflower would be best. My heart aches for the families of the lost in yesterday's shooting. This horrific act has consumed my thoughts. Thinking of each of you, but difficult to write much else at the moment. Maybe I'll take a walk on the beach to reflect and try to clear my mind. 🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.
  9. Good afternoon, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes. I like escargot, but only eat them on a ship. I have no tiara. I do have one brother and have been planning on calling him so maybe I'll do that tonight. I like the quote and the meal sounds good. Yesterday was hot, but fun. I have been resting for the most part today other than a few small chores spread out throughout the day. @kb4683 and @StLouisCruisers congratulations on the negative tests. @ger_77 safe travels tomorrow. @Cat in my lap praying surgery went well for your DH. @cat shepard I received your email and will reply later. Thank you. Nice picture. @kochleffel thank you for sharing your cruise. @JazzyV praying for your friend in the UK. WOW! To all the appointment cancellations. Take care of yourselves and each other. Have a terrific rest of your Tuesday. 🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.
  10. Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes. Happy Victoria Day! Research and awareness for those with Crohn's and Colitis are so important. DH no longer picks up pennies, but I do. I do agree with him that we should follow Canada and do away with them. I love turtles and might attend a lecture and lighting event about them on Friday. I love the quote. The meal sounds good. We ended up at the beach until about 1:30, then the pool 2:00-3:30. Then a run to the store, home for dinner and a movie and bed by 9:00 as the only one who some how could keep their eyes open was three year old Leo. 😆I finally had a good night sleep since DH left...I guess all I needed was a beach AND pool day with DGS. 🙂 Today the three of us are heading out at 9:00 to meet DSIL near Sea World. (They have some passes that include parking for one car.) We'll go to Sea World, DD says she usually leaves around 2:00, and then the three of them will go home and they are loaning me their other car for the week. (They'll be back here for Memorial Day weekend.) I appreciate the offer of the car. It will allow me to make a trip or two to stores as I think of anything I may need or want to have when I don't have a car here that I might not have thought of before DH left. @StLouisCruisers Sadie is beautiful! @cat shepard here is my email address: jamccullar@gmail.com let me know when you feel like meeting. @cunnorl you do the same. Hopefully we can all meet together at some point. Wishing everyone a magical Monday. 🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.
  11. Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes. I won't be buying any instruments as my baby grand is enough. I will definitely celebrate Maritime day. I like the quote and the book. The meal also sounds like something I would like. DD and I took DGS to a playground late yesterday morning. The afternoon started in one of the outside pools and moved to the inside pool as the storm mentioned by @cat shepard moved towards us. Our plans for this morning are to go to the beach for a little while. I heard from DH last night and he spent the day planning what to do when. He made a few changes based on what it seems like others prefer. He sounded well. @rafinmd wishing you a terrific cruise. My offer to help with the lists stands any time. Terri, @Cruzin Terri, I'm praying that your DH's surgery goes well Tuesday and that you start feeling better very soon. Jack, @Heartgrove, I am sorry to hear about your DB. Praying his medical team helps him to heal. @kazu, Jacqui, I'm sorry your former acquaintance was so unthoughtful. @marshhawk, Ann, you have really had a time of it since getting home from vacation. Prayers that things turn around for the better soon. Going to eat breakfast then off to the beach. Have a wonderful day. 🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.
  12. Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes. No millionaires here, but there must be some in the area as two nearby condos have recently sold...one at 1.3M and the other at 6.5M. I never lived close enough to work to ride a bicycle. I am grateful for the groups who work to help our endangered species. One that I support is a group working with puffins. I agree with the quote 💯%. Waiting for Debbie to decide on the meal. DH left at 10:15 last night, a little later than he wanted to. Hopefully he still got through Atlanta before the heavy traffic started. I finally fell asleep some time after 12:45, woke up at 4:00, back to sleep by 5:00 and up at 6:15. I will have to get used to sleeping alone, other than a night or two in July, as we don't know how long it will be until DH will be here permanently. (DH says he is thinking at least mid September, but told DMIL on the phone Sunday it could be Thanksgiving.) It is 76 and sunny out. DD and DGS are coming over for a "sleepover" which is why I stayed in bed at 4:00. (Normally I would give up on sleep after 30 minutes and get up.) I believe we are going to the beach today. Leo told me yesterday that he "needs a beach day, a pool day and a sleepover at Granny's and Grandpa's house".😊 I will check back in later, right now I'm going to get a second cup of coffee as I don't think my brain is fully awake yet. Wishing each of you a fabulous Friday! 🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.
  13. So, so cute. I love the outfit. Also, happy to hear DB is doing better.
  14. Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes. My daughter has started a small vegetable garden with a few different types of peppers. A salute to all boys clubs. I learned a lot about accessibility when my brother became a paraplegic due to a car accident. I love the quote, especially with the state of our school system in this country. The meal sounds interesting. DH ran out of steam yesterday so he will leave tonight. Today will be rehanging the rest of the blinds and doors, packing the car and hopefully he will nap before he heads out. It is 70 and sunny here with a high of 87. Maybe we'll get a late afternoon/early evening walk on the beach before I try to get DH to take a nap. @msmayor sorry to hear DSIL has Covid. Prayers for DD, Lana that they don't get it and for strength and rest for you as well as DD. @ger_77 sending prayers and condolences for the loss of your Uncle. @Cruzin Terri hoping you woke up with no pain today. @kazu woohoo on getting the tank changed. I hope yesterday wasn't too awful and pray today is a better day. @rafinmd will you be posting the lists while away? I'd be happy to help out. Remember you are loved and have a great day. 🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.
  15. I love yours and Pauline's attitudes. Prayers for the family that they find comfort and peace.
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