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Posts posted by GremlinOfTheSea

  1. 2 hours ago, CRUISENSNOOZE said:

    Thank you Gremlin for that good news. Does it feel more or less back to normal on board? Buffets open now? Do you still need to use App to go to a show? Testing etc?


    Thanks, Chris

    Hi Chris, it is largely back to normal apart from obvious quarantine zones meaning that on some cabin floors you need to go down or up to get across- not really an issue though once you suss it out. The My holiday webpage is being used but in all honesty I love it- shows so easy to book (not all require booking such as those in SkyDome) and also both times I've used the queue system for restaurants it's taken 5 mins despite saying 8 people in the queue etc, so it's really just a case of joining the queue just before you head to the restaurant. Even then, if you forgot to do this you won't be waiting long.


    I think Covid has changed the face of holidays for a long while yet, and I came on this one knowing the risks. We are 5 days in and I could weep with joy at being here.  There are about 12+ laundrettes on the ship that I could count at a glance, and the gym is busy (so says my sister). I think only big change is kids clubs, but the measures are well explained to parents in advance of the  holiday itself. 


    Get excited, you are going to have a great time ☺️

    • Thanks 1
  2. Hello! On Iona now- captain aborted trying to dock as the wind on the beam was pushing the ship despite thrusters. So they aborted and now we are docked in a sunny (but windy) Tenerife. The captain has been keeping us well informed about the stormy conditions; hopefully we have seen the worst now. 

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