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Posts posted by VDawgAndVan

  1. 15 minutes ago, tcneal said:

    So when I first entered I thought the carpet but maybe it was just a good cleaning.  Here's a Pic.  Maybe someone can chime in because this is my fist time on Explorer so I don't know what it was before.




    This is new carpeting based on the other pictures from previous Cruises.  So this is what I mean about disinformation lol. It appears everything has been replaced when it comes to carpeting and thinking maybe curtains as well? Previous posts in FB reported this, but this forum was the complete opposite. So just not sure why such conflicting information 🤷🏻‍♂️


  2. 4 minutes ago, The Sunset Glow said:


    I agree. The cabin is what the passenger sees the most, up close, interacting with and using the cabin contents. If the cabin looks worn and shabby and functioning items don't work properly then this is a huge let down and leaves you with a bad impression of the ship in general IMO.

    No refresh of anything at all in the cabins? 🤔

  3. 9 minutes ago, nzcruiser2023 said:

    Can anyone on the ship at the moment let us know if they updated the gym and steam/sauna rooms? I’m deciding between ROS and EOS and hate paying for the sauna/steam room! 

    On Brilliance it was a refurbishment of every machine. Awesome. That would be incredible if very machine was brand spanking new 

  4. On 7/26/2022 at 8:02 PM, robmtx said:

    Yea I was kinda expecting Allure's AMPing to be announced in line with it hosting next President cruise.

    Woah, everyone needs to slow down. The equipment and fittings for EOS have been in storage for over 2 years. The equipment is specifically for Explorer. I'm worried this message threat is now disinformation. I'm not saying I know what will be added but saying there is no amp of any kind isn't true at all. Posts show the Slides, the Ship under heavy constructions. Rugs, Carpeting, Slides, you name it. 6 weeks in Dry Dock is exactly the time it takes. So maybe not all the frills, but it's getting a great refresh regardless. 

    On 7/26/2022 at 6:16 PM, Airbear232 said:

    I really hope they don’t mess up EOS like they did Navigator.  I love the gym on the Explorer, good size with steam room and sauna included.  Navigator’s gym was moved from fore to aft, greatly reduced in size, change rooms, sauna and steam room all gone.  For me, HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT.  Please save EOS from this horrible fate!

    You're saying they eliminated showers and ability to change on a Cruise ship? That's shocking 🤷‍♂️


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  5. 21 minutes ago, mdj101 said:

    Some of you really make me laugh.


    what do you think happens on the ship during the 18 days (nearly three weeks) that the ship is sailing to and from Cadiz? 

    do you think all the crew sit around the pool drinking cocktails or play bingo all



    there are thousands of crew on board, all doing their bit for the refurb. Stripping rooms, ripping up carpets, etc etc, 


    by the time the ship gets to Cadiz I can hazard a guess that every item that needs removing had been and pro ably been replaced too. Carpets, furnishing, paints.


    they don’t wait for the water to drain from the dock before they start.


    now will we see the addition of new cabins, probably not, that costs a lot and takes a lot more work and time. But to change a few venues and add some slides. Sure. What, we’ll have to wait and see. But whatever they do, I’m sure it will be fantastic 

    They are doing soft items like furniture, curtains, and carpeting in the cabins. What they’re not going to do is tear out, closets and dressers, etc. Unfortunately, they may not even do a new electrical. That’ll put USB ports by the bed although that is, but I was hoping for. I’ve seen some of the work being done and when you compare the last “amped ship” it’ll basically be cosmetic for the cabins which for me is great.  Right now the furniture in the rooms is very much dated, so is the carpeting, but it won’t take much to get that done.  .

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  6. 6 minutes ago, Biker19 said:

    You don't need to be construction expert to know that previous amps took 6-8 weeks (it is a verifiable fact) and Explorer will only spend about 3 weeks in dry dock and therefore a full Amp is very unlikely. Also, it is a fact that none of the ships since the restart have had any meaningful work done. The only very informed guess is whether RCI will follow that trend with Explorer.


    You may need to read a few threads around to here to see that cost cutting is happening in a lot of places.


    Biker, who is impressed anyone would think he came across as a construction expert.

    The first cruise back is March 12, that gives it 6 weeks for Amplification. You sure you don't work as a spoiler for Carnival? LOL You're just making stuff up hahaha. Cost cutting is charging a fee that you didn't before. Major renovation, when all the assets likely were ordered pre-Covid would be very odd. I get it, you're speculating, and you may very well be right, but until then, guessing without any facts seems peculiar. Not sure the motivation 🤷‍♂️Since you're guessing, I'll guess too - 1) Pre-Covid assets were ordered, likely in storage. Everything is custom. 2) It will be a full amplification, but guessing rooms won't see anything other than simple carpet, curtains, furniture, soft items (based on Celebrity Equinox ie. No Outlets by the bed were added). 3) She's a great ship regardless. 

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  7. 12 minutes ago, Billy Baltic said:

    If they were performing any meaningful changes why aren’t they telling anyone? EOS stopped making revenue for RC yesterday but I’d expect if there was an amp coming they’d be selling it. 

    I agree with you, I think they're still pushing ICON of the SEAS hard in email. It shows a good dry dock time to facilitate the amplification. Your questions are great, you're not making any silly wild guesses. It will be exciting regardless. She's a great ship!

  8. 11 minutes ago, Biker19 said:

    All other Amps were pre-COVID (and took 6-8 weeks - this one looks to only be about 3 weeks). Since the restart, none of the ships have had much more than routine maintenance done during dry dock. All you need to do is read the RCL SEC filings to see their financial situation to understand why they are very unlikely to spend $100+M on a full Amp (along with the timing of the dry dock)

    You're guessing. speculation is bad group sharing as it becomes rumor mill as fact. You're quoting SEC, but in the same breath note maintenance.  It's being Amplified and the degrees won't be cutting corners. It's either amplified or it's not. I feel embarrassed because you came across as a construction expert, or working in ship renovations. You don't. 

  9. This is very typical of a dry dock time, it will have everything amplified, they’re not going to skip or cut corners lol. They’re literally taking it out of commission, can I ask what makes you think it won’t be done properly? Are you a dry dock or a cruise ship renovation expert? If you could share more details, that would be great because reading. Across other amplifications, including what’s coming, for this one is that it is typical of what Royal Caribbean with Traditionally do.C

    31 minutes ago, Biker19 said:

    Given the duration of the dry dock, I wouldn't expect any meaningful changes.


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  10. 18 hours ago, rbolanos said:

    A little concerned with the comments for Explorer and the condition of the ship. Sailing on March 18th and would hate to be disappointed. Sailed on Freedom and Allure last year, and was pleased with the condition of the ship. However the service, I’ve come to love by Royal has diminished. Anyone recently sailed on Explorer or know where to find full reviews? Thank you. 

    Regardless of what anyone is saying, the current ship "IS" awesome. It will gain brand new furnishing and features, but he current ship isn't a horror LOL. The condition of any RCCL ship is great, always good maintenance ongoing. 


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