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Posts posted by johnstewarth

  1. 11 hours ago, LaCal said:

    John I’ve followed each Quantum sailing very carefully and there’s a lot of Covid cases towards the end of the cruise and once guests get home 


    On this particular sailing the cases are coming in once guests are home…..over on FB there’s a poll and so far out of 30 guests who filled it out 15 got Covid once home and they tested 


    The other poster here Memaa or wherever her name is loves to contradict me and any other person for the most part…..she did it so much on our 5/16 sailing and was wondering why people blocked her on FB out of the blue 🙈🤣


    I’ve joined every single roll call since the start and the comments, posts and polls speak for themselves 


    She likes to argue for some reason…..my suggestion is to join the FB roll calls yourself so you’ll also get first hand info 


    Have a excellent cruise 


    And Bird Thanks again for a great live review and hope you and the Bird family didn’t get Covid 


    6 hours ago, barbeyg said:

    I agree.  Thanks, Bird for the informative live thread.  🙂


    John, to answer your question, our sailing on 5/20, Ovation, had several transmissions reported to our private group on FB before the cruise ended.  Those were quarantined.  Afterwards, out of 480 in the group, we had about 15% turn up positive (this is no representative of the cruise, but of our group).   Of course, some of those cases could have been travel home as well, but ours wasn't.  People don't begin having symptoms the same day as contracted, and after a long flight to drop off my sister and aunt (who both have had Covid, and didn't get sick this time), that night on the drive back home (8 hours), I began with symptoms, my husband the next morning.    


    The cruise prior to, and the one after, ours also reported a number of cases.  Many of us flew cross-country to get to Seattle, then toured Seattle first.  Then lots of time spent indoors on an AK cruise. That is probably how the virus came onboard, and then continued to spread across the cruise.  


    Thank you both so much for your responses! Very helpful! We're planning to wear KN-95 masks except when eating or drinking, much like we did on our Thanksgiving cruise. We've been vaxxed and boosted twice, and had Omicron in January, so if we do contract it, I hope it will be very mild. The cruise is almost here; can't wait!

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  2. 50 minutes ago, reallyitsmema said:


    You can't believe everything you read.  Just because someone is saying all Alaska sailings so far have had "loads" of covid cases, doesn't make it true.  There are four Royal Caribbean ships sailing in Alaska right now.  Yes, there have been lots of cases of covid on Quantum so far this season, where are all the reports from the other ships?  


    I don't think I used the word "loads." I said I'd heard rumors of "significant" transmission. Since I am going on the Quantum next Monday, I didn't think it was inappropriate to ask someone who had recently sailed on the same ship for her impression of the situation. I apologize if I came across as ignorant or offensive.

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