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Posts posted by Elmer_Fudd

  1. On 6/7/2022 at 12:34 AM, icsys said:

    I am sure the OP is FULLY AWARE of covid and has already stated that at time of booking a child aged 14 only required a negative covid test prior to boarding.


    The OP seems to suggest a lack of notification of policy changes rather than no knowledge of any policies at all.

    Thanks for your post icsys, much appreciated as that is exactly how we see it.


    Anyhow, we have now managed to unravel what went wrong - our TA called RC over the 'phone with our booking and somehow RC had a letter missing from our email address, hence we received no notifications of changes to the Covid policy for minors from RC.


    Our TA insists the fault lies 100% with RC, but personally I feel there may be blame on both sides and am very surprised that confirmation of the booking made by phone was not then followed up with an email to RC or that RC did not then send confirmation back to the TA?  If they did it clearly wasn't checked properly to ensure the vital details were correct.  


    So a big thank-you to all those who contributed positively with constructive comments.  No thanks go to the poster who felt it acceptable to be sarcastic when we were having a tough time and were simply looking for help and maybe some answers.  Cured? I doubt you ever will be.

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  2. On 6/7/2022 at 1:16 AM, Biker19 said:

    Curious, what good would such an email do at this point? You know the policy and good luck with getting a refund but rehashing the very poor communications on RCI's and TA's part won't solve your problem. You, like many others before you, have figured out that RCI sucks at messaging - as the saying goes, let it go, get your refund and move on.

    Real simple - we just wanted to see exactly what information re the change in covid policy was sent out and by whom - travel agent and/or Royal Caribbean so we could go back armed with this to our travel agent.

  3. Thanks long4acruise & particularly icsys as you booked with TUI - very useful information.  We do regularly check junk but nothing there from either TUI or RC.


    icsys the fact that you booked with TUI and then were contacted by RC is really interesting as it points to the problem being with RC and not TUI.  We are expecting a call from TUI tomorrow having been in to see them today so I will advise how it goes - wish me luck!

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  4. 23 minutes ago, cured said:

    Welcome to Cruise Critic. Interesting complaint for your first post.


    I would not be planning on any kind of compensatory measures. You might get a full refund if you have a good TA, but from what you posted, that is not the case.


    This error in communication belongs almost all to your TA.  The other big part belongs to you. It is very hard to believe that in a year of nonstop noise from every corner of the world about covid and the various countries' restrictions that you did not pick up a phone and call your TA to ask if there were possibly any restrictions on your cruise. Or even spend 5 minutes on Royal's website. 


    The cruise rules are very well published. Because of this, I don't think you will be able to get any kind of compensation at this point.  Hopefully you might get a refund back.


    Good luck! I hope you can cruise with your granddaughter in the future.

    Thanks for your post but I'm afraid with all due respect, I have to disagree that this is partly our fault.  If you own a car and there is a major recall due to a potentially dangerous fault would you expect the manufacturer to contact you to advise you or do you check the manufacturers website weekly just in case there is a recall?  No of course you don't, you expect them to tell you of the change!


    We booked this Cruise last August through a local TA in order to have their back-up and support.  After booking we got a booking confirmation from the TA and then no emails from them until April when we got the demand for the balance!  We lead very busy lives and once we booked our Cruise we just wanted to get on with things and not have to worry about it.  We have not received a single email from RC since booking,  but then we didn't expect to as we booked through a TA.


    Interestingly, we booked a Cruise with P & O a couple of years ago and received very regular email communication from them after booking right up until we boarded - not so with TUI!

  5. Thanks for the replies  - to be honest I don't expect us to get any exception from RC so we are probably going to look to get a full refund as if at any point we'd been told we probably would have cancelled.  The TA are in for a rocket tomorrow and we will be looking for a full refund plus compensation although I doubt we'll get any!


    The reason we went with a TA was we were booking several cabins and wanted the back-up of a TA rather than us having to deal direct with RC - hence not wanting to check the RC website every other day!


    If anyone can advise whether either RC or their TA sent out such an email I'd love to hear from them!

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  6. Hi All,

    We have a cruise booked with RC and have just been advised by our travel agents that our 14yr old Grand-daughter needs to be fully vaccinated with two Covid doses before boarding (the last one at least 14 days before boarding).  When we booked the cruise early last August we were told the policy was that she only required a negative covid test prior to boarding.  My understanding is that RC changed the policy around the 19th of August 2021, so around a week after we booked, that all over 12's had to be fully vaccinated. 


    Our daughter does not want her to be vaccinated and had we been told after booking our cruise that RC had changed their policy we probably would've cancelled the cruise and got a refund of our deposit and booked a different holiday.  However, we were never informed by either RC or our travel agent in the UK (TUI) that the policy had changed.  My take on this is that we should definitely have been informed of this vitally important change by either RC or TUI, but we weren't.  Did  anyone on here receive any communication from either RC or their Travel Agent around the end of August 2021 advising them of this change in Covid policy via email please?  If so, would you be kind enough to perhaps post the text of any such email please - many thanks.

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