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Posts posted by Alaskadaughter

  1. As I see that several people of this thread are active posters, passing along that my parents were told that some cruise companies (maybe all?) have an agreement with the state of Alaska that they will not disembark COVID positive passengers which is why my parents have to stay onboard until the cruise ends in Vancouver. It is probably for the best since they have easy access to food and medical professionals. However, Canada has a mandatory 10 day quarantine instead of the five days in the US.

  2. 3 hours ago, SempreMare said:

    The other aspect these doctors talk about a lot is how you should not give steroids in the first week of showing symptoms. That steroids in the first week can actually be damaging.


    I Keep notes on the if-THIS, THEN THAt they review each week.  I am positive I will eventually get Covid. I would I would not trust any doctor to have the latest info and have it all straight.


    @Alaskadaughter  In the last episode they talked about the rebound effect that many who show symptoms on day one will experience Day 10 . Apparently day 10–11 are the ones to really watch out for. Even if you feel great on day four through seven. 


    Where will your parents be on day 10 and 11?


    if my mom were still living, I would probably not share that data with her if she were quarantined in a cruise cabin.  It could add too much to the stress level. But I would also make extra phone calls on days nine through 12.


    Please keep us posted on how your mom and dad are doing.

    - - - - - 


    This darn link would not paste in earlier.

    In friday’s June 24. clinical update number 120,

    They talk about how Covid is worse for someone the second time, and also that this day 10 “rebound effect” is the same for paxlovid takers as those who did not take it. No better no worse. The thing you get from paxlovid apparently is it improves odds of keeping you out of the hospital & from dying.




    Thanks for the information. This is their first time with COVID and they will be in Vancouver on days 10-11. I am checking on them several times a day via text and they actually had cell service today for a voice call which was great. They are in good spirits and are improving.

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  3. Thanks for the responses. My parents are still symptomatic but are improving. They were allowed to stay in their room rather than being moved to an isolation cabin. Unfortunately they will be quarantined in their room until 7/2 even if they test negative in the upcoming days. They will also have to spend an extra three days in Vancouver because Canada has a ten day quarantine mandate before air travel. Viking is covering the extra costs.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, SempreMare said:

    Hi Peregrina, sorry to hear about your sister-in-law.


    I have been listening each Friday to the

    twiv podcast

    this week in virology

    From doctors epidemiologists in New York City actively treating patients.

    You can find this in your favorite podcast player. Last Friday’s update number 120 with Dr. Daniel Griffin


    They emphasize that paxlovid should begin to be taken immediately upon testing positive / showing symptoms.


    In the June 24 podcast, they talked about the latest data Supporting this, especially in high-risk age groups and people

    They said there is something like a five day window when Pax Lovid can be effective after the person shows symptoms


    If this were my sister-in-law

    I would ask her doctor to show me the data supporting  kidney related aspects.

    I would say, “the time clock on effectiveness is five days. Five days to begin paxlovid upon first showing symptoms.

    Please respond today if it all possible”


    In an earlier episode Dr. Griffin described how doctors are saying no to patients but there Is plenty to go around in inventory. My doctor told me that it would be a good idea to Bring it with me on next vacation in case I can’t get a hold of it while away


    Please listen to the episode first hand. They focus on what actions the hard data supports

    My SIL who is a critical care RN and has treated many COVID cases said the hospital is routinely giving paxlovid to elderly patients who are positive which is why I was so surprised they don’t have it in the ship.

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  5. No fever but bad cold symptoms. They got their fourth booster shortly before the trip. Glad it isn’t worse but shocked Viking told them the ship doesn’t have antiviral meds on board which is now the standard treatment for symptomatic elderly patients.

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  6. My parents tested positive and are quarantined on the Viking Orion in Alaska. Does anyone know if there are isolated cases or a larger issue on the ship? They said there were positive cases on the train portion before they boarded the ship.

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