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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. Thanks for your reply, yes Ihave trawled through the bank statement to find the, the trouble now is that we had a cruise in June and I am getting confuded which recipts are which!
  2. I have tried re-adding but it asks me to pay again for him which I am not prepared to do. Why should I have to prove payment when his name was on the bookings originally.
  3. I wonder if anyone can help? I have spoken to 4 people and emailed 1 and still have no resolution to my problem. I booked 4 Speciality dining for my forthcoming cruise which went through fine and was paid for at time of booking, on checking I find that my husband is not booked in for those and also not on the main dining bookings, I cannot ad him again as they will charge me again, does anyone know what I can do? We have been on 2 Princess cruises before and not had this problem. It's so frustrating! the people I spoke to when rining their tel. nos didn't know what to do and one even gave me a number to ring which didn't exist! I have now resorted to sending letters to Southampton (sending tomorrow) which I am hoping will be a way of sorting this out. Has anyone had the same problem? Many thanks for reading.
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