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Everything posted by MELSMOM47

  1. MELSMOM47


    At least half and half. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  2. MELSMOM47


    This is unbelievable. Chemicals. 🤬
  3. MELSMOM47


    “Long life milk” ? 😬
  4. We have a dinner reservation at Mister S. Is it as yummy as it sounds?
  5. Does anyone know how long the tour of the Guinness Storehouse takes? We have 11am tickets. Do I need to book lunch? Trying to figure out what time.
  6. Awesome!!! That's great. We are in port until 11pm so we would like to return and go out in the evening!!!
  7. MELSMOM47


    Can anyone tell me if Viking provides a shuttle from Dun Laoghaire to Dublin.
  8. Sooooo what's included is one red, one white and one beer choice?
  9. Thanks. If I understand correctly the wines on the list are included in the Silver Spirits Package but will otherwise cost what is listed. Are the wines that are "included" with lunch and dinner not listed anywhere? Are there additional wines available above and beyond the SSP?
  10. Several years ago my debit card was compromised. NBD my bank took care of me but since then I only want to use an ATM inside a bank and sometimes one time had difficulty. (I think it was a Sunday) I need to be sure to plan ahead.
  11. And I assume that the best wine is by the bottle not by the glass 🤔 and as on every other cruise line they will save the bottle from one meal to another.
  12. Thank you so much. We booked it for May. Sounds exactly like I was hoping.
  13. Thank you. That was my question on another thread. I understand that we can cancel with some number of hours notice. There is some question about that number. It is a ship excursion that I was asking about. If they cancel the port they will refund I assume.
  14. The one with the dogs? Or the included one?
  15. Thank you. The tour says 4 hours total. So was most of the time spent seeing the countryside?
  16. Has anyone taken the Rural Shetland excursion? How large a group was there? How long was the bus ride? Did you enjoy it? TIA
  17. It’s later in a 14 day cruise. Mostly I’m trying to avoid long periods on a big bus. I have several very small group/ individual things planned. I like your advice. I’ll post the specifics. Thanks.
  18. Thank you. That’s fine too. I just can’t get some details about some of the excursions before being on board.
  19. If you sign up for an excursion pre-cruise is there any possibility of canceling once you get more information onboard?
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