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Posts posted by KeriG

  1. 2 hours ago, Son of Bare said:

    Immigration was, for us, a doddle. The queue we joined didn't stretch beyond the ladies immediately outside of Carmen's. Ten minutes max until we hit US soil.

    One thing I've learned over the years, never be the 1st in a PO queue.

    The entertainment is, by and large, aimed at the retired generation. So yes, plenty of crooning, songs from musicals, 60's and 70's. There's a busker, at least there has been on our last three PO cruises, this one was imo, awful. Insipid. (I'm sure he's a very nice guy). Ditto the lady who tinkled the ivories in the Crows nest and other venues throughout the cruise.

    We have noticed that when we go to a major US port, PO put a local turn on in the theatre and they are usually way better than the in house offerings. On this occasion 'call me Paul' had the New York Collective entertaining us together with a fantastic tap dancer who goes by the name AC Lincoln. He was on strings. Together with our trip to Birdland a real highlight of the cruise. 

    Regards PO excursions, I would add Cape Spear from St John's as a recommendation. Furthest point east in the North Americas. A kind of Dunmore Head in reverse. When in NY we ventured as far as Harlem, I wouldn't recommend that if you are of a nervous disposition, but we didn't have a problem with central NY. Every town and city has their colourful characters, the most entertaining we stumbled across was a guy in St Johns.

    Oh, and yellow taxis are cheaper than Uber 😉







    I agree. I didn't understand why people started queuing from 6am! It was a doddle for me too. I waited less than 10 minutes and it was all very straightforward. 


    Yes, yellow taxis are cheaper than Uber! I still owe you that drink!


  2. I guess it depends what kind of thing you like doing. I'm usually happy with a bit of a tour of the port and the surrounding area just to get to know the place. 


    I particularly enjoyed the hop on hop off in Boston. Very informative guides driving the trolley buses. By contrast the Big Red Bus hop on hop off in New York is awful. I really don't think P&O should associate themselves with them. The drivers aren't helpful, many don't speak English, the guys at the stops selling tickets are recently arrived from Ghana and are working on commission only and don't know New York well at all. I would say they're being exploited. My one bus was smelly and not clean.The day time tour of New York is good, it goes to the World Trade Centre memorial. The evening one is good too, it goes over to Brooklyn to see the NY skyline lit up at night and then free time in Times Square. Have a Manhattan cocktail in Manhattan!


    I really enjoyed the trip to Kennebunkport. Have a beer and a lobster roll on the boat moored in their little harbour which has been converted into a bar. Lovely people too. 


    There's nothing in Illes de la Madeleine. I wouldn't spend any money on an excursion there. To be honest if I went again, I probably wouldn't bother to get off the ship. Many of the Canadian stops on this cruise are very low key, but I enjoyed the tour of Acadia National Park and Cape Breton. 


    I've hopped around a bit there! So any other questions just ask. 



  3. Hello! Just wanted to say I loved this cruise to the USA and Canada and thanks to everyone I met onboard who were all a fab bunch of people! Apart from the first day in New York in torrential rain, I really enjoyed every one of the excursions. Especially enjoyed our night out to Birdland Jazz Club in Manhattan with Jeannie, Lynda, Margaret, Rachel, Keith, Tina and Richard. Nice to know we have a cool place to go next time we're in New York! Thanks all. 


    • Like 11
  4. On 8/21/2023 at 5:54 PM, ConnieTact said:

    That’s handy to know about the seating arrangements. Thanks for the tips! I’d be the one asking them to move their stuff so we could sit down! 😅😂

    I think I’ll carry my own hand-gel so I can stay clean when I need to. Really would be wise to have hand-gel next to the bottles if they are going to leave them out. 

    We’re only onboard for two nights (tester!) so we’d be very unlucky to catch anything in that short time…watch this space! 🤞
    I plan to do an another online review so, really, watch this space! 😂

    Don't forget hand gel doesn't kill Noro Virus - the only way is to wash your hands well. 


    I'm considering the Christmas cruise to the Caribbean on this ship but it's a long cruise and I haven't sailed with Ambassador before. The anti infection precautions are important to me as I have an auto immune issue. I've mainly sailed with P&O previously and have never had an issue on their ships. 

  5. 9 hours ago, navybankerteacher said:

    Even if there are not a lot of single people at your table, there will still be a number you will dine and converse with every night - so in stead of being on your own at meals you will be with people to share discussions of the days activities , etc.

    Very true. 

  6. 11 hours ago, John Bull said:



    Wrong, Keri, 🙂


    The cruise number tells me this is P & O's Arvia. That's around 5000 passengers, 95% of them Brits.


    So yes,  if on traditional fixed dining, which I advise for singletons - same table, same time, same tablemates, same serving staff every evening - ask for a large shared table & you'll be put on one of the solo-cruisers' tables. If that doesn't happen, ask the Maitre D' to move you to one from the next evening.

    If on "freedom dining" or somesuch name you could try asking to switch to traditional, or ask at the dining room entrance to be on a shared table (tip - if you don't think the folk in front of you or behind you are your type, step out of the line to intensely study the menu board, then slot back in when you see folk  that you think you'll get on with).


    On a fixed solo's table you'll build a rapport with some or all of your dining companions - I've seen solos go off mob-handed to a bar or show, and going ashore together.


    On freedom dining it can be a chore remembering names, and the same-old same-old questions (where are you from, etc). Also less likely to be sharing with other solos.

    But if you get on well at dinner, suggest going to dinner together next night. We've done that frequently, and  on one cruise by the fourth evening we were a table of eight.


    there are other solos' get-togethers, like a solo's breakfast early in the cruise


    JB 🙂

    Thank you John. The queue thing really made me laugh! I shall try not to study people in the queue too intensely, in case they think I'm a weirdo and won't want to sit with me anyway!


    I'm beginning to wonder if I'm savvy enough for this cruising lark! 😉


    All good advice, duly noted. 


  7. On 1/28/2023 at 2:22 AM, Longford said:

    I was a first-time solo cruiser, November 2022.  What added to my enjoyment is that I boarded without preconceived notions.  I read these forums and the RCL Blog (excellent advice there, too) and had some understanding what I might encounter.  I went with the "flow", didn't get stressed-out over anything ... and disembarked with the sense that I'll cruise again one day.  

    Yes, I will go with the flow, I've travelled quite a lot on my own, just not on a cruise and I've only ever been on one cruise previously, a long time ago with family. 


    Thanks for the advice. 

    • Like 1
  8. 8 hours ago, navybankerteacher said:

    Sign up for a large table, fixed dining.  Since those people who are unhappy (or unable) to dine with others will request anytime, you have a good chance of having a compatible group to meet with every evening - if you get a bunch of turkeys, you can request a change, but having a regular group every evening can make dinners enjoyable and give you people to hang with.

    Interesting take. I guess I'm not expecting enough solo people on the cruise to fill a large table! I'll mull that one over. Thank you. 

  9. Hello, I'll be taking my first solo cruise in March (K306 17th March- Barbados, Caribbean then transatlantic back to Southampton) I'm beyond excited. I was wondering if anyone has any help or advice for a solo cruiser? 

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