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portnoys complainer

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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. Addendum: The itinerary for Napoleon's Mediterranean cruise was: Toulon, Valletta, Chania and Alexandria.
  2. Currently reading a book about Napoleon, cleverly titled "Napoleon, A Life." I'm not recommending it, only because I haven't finished it. But a few hundred pages ago, I recall that Napoleon, in preparing for his invasions of Malta and Egypt, carried over one hundred books with him, and a lot of wine. I think the last book on the list was Julius Caesar - although I don't know if it meant Bill Shakespeare's or some other work. Anyway, the point is that, as avid readers, we all are in good company! I should also note, I suppose, that the intrusion into Egypt was a failed one, but these things happen. Overall, I think Napoleon's batting average was a sparkling .863.
  3. Was this an intentional pun? 😀
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