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Posts posted by MadMichelle

  1. 10 hours ago, John Bull said:

    Hi, again.


    Yes, you're right, Skyscanner missed it - or mebbe I didn't check mondays or fridays.😏

    We are talking about a monday or a friday, right? .

    Not relevant, but also doable saturdays or sundays - via Tenerife, longer total travel time & more expensive. Other days involve silly-long flights and hundreds of pounds.

    I had seen the flights from Gran Canaria, hadn't considered flying Lanzarote to GC


    But the costs are still high - two nights accommodation, high fares for late-booked flights.

    As are the risks - if just one of the two legs is fully-booked you're screwed.


    Goes back to my original thoughts - small risk of the ship missing Lanzarote, but potentially big consequences.


    Your holidays, your money, your risk - your decision.

    Fingers crossed


    JB 🙂


    Thanks for your input, it certainly would be a gamble and I may choose to embark at the starting destination of Tenerife just to be safe. 

  2. 2 hours ago, MadMichelle said:

    I've only had verbal permission, I'm sure I'd get the formal permission when I book. I was told it's my risk if they don't dock in Lanzarote as they're making an exception letting me board there, but I'm going to call them again. 

    P&O have confirmed (verbally by checking their own T&Cs) that if they don't dock at Lanzarote then the risk is down to me, no liability on their part as it's not an offered option of the cruise package to get embark/disembark at other ports. Worth an ask. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, John Bull said:


    Hi Michelle,


    I'm not seeing any direct flights from Lanzarote to Madeira, all involve a transfer somewhere like Madrid or Lisbon, a total travelling time of around 7 hours.

    Where are you seeing a flight time of about 3 hrs ????


    There are flights on some days from Gran Canaria to Madeira, flight time 90 minutes but that depends  on whether you can get to Gran Canaria, whether its a suitable time of day and day of the week, and whether seats are available at next-to-no notice (and if they are, last -minute fares usually carry  big premium).


    Since there's a sea day in-between you could check out ferries to Madeira.


    Again, where are you seeing 3-hour  flights from Lanzarote? 🤔


    JB 🙂

    I didn't say direct. I also said over 3 hours long. 

    Thankfully the options I've found are not as long as 7 hours, even with the stop-over🙂


  4. 1 minute ago, John Bull said:

    Small possibility of Lanzarote being missed 🙂 - but potentially big consequences 😮.


    Can I presume that you know the Canaries well (second home there?).

    In which case you'll know how easy (Fuerteventura) or how difficult (Madeira) it is to make it to the next port.


    JB 🙂

    I don't know them well. Next port is Madeira after a day at sea. What makes Madeira difficult to get to? I can see flights from Lanzarote to Madeira, although over 3 hours long. 


  5. Just now, DamianG said:

    Out of interest does your permission from P&O have terms and conditions (small print?) attached regarding contingency (or liability) in the event they don't keep their side of the agreement by docking in Lanzarote?

    I've only had verbal permission, I'm sure I'd get the formal permission when I book. I was told it's my risk if they don't dock in Lanzarote as they're making an exception letting me board there, but I'm going to call them again. 

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  6. 10 minutes ago, yorkshirephil said:

    July August is generally the windiest months however the Calima can cause problems Jan/Feb. Keep an eye on the weather forecast for wind speeds a few days before you join.

    Thanks for this. We're going mid March. I'm about to book and I will have to choose whether I embark on the start port of Tenerife or the next due port of Lanzarote, which is where I'll actually be and would be far easier (& cheaper). I'm told I can't change the port once I've chosen it as there's a lot involved in embarking on a different port once the cruise is underway. 

  7. Sorry, I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask this, especially as I can't find a forum for Canary Island ports. I've also asked in Cruise Questions. 


    Is there anywhere I can find the probability that a ship won't dock at Lanzarote when it's on the itinerary? Or has anyone experience of when it hasn't? I'm looking to board there but it's not the start of the cruise. I have permission from P&O, but they can't guarantee it will stop there. I suppose I'm looking for the percentage of times engine trouble /weather etc has caused a ship to bypass this port.

  8. Is there anywhere I can find the probability that a ship won't dock at Lanzarote when it's on the itinerary? I'm looking to board there but it's not the start of the cruise. I have permission from P&O, but they can't guarantee it will stop there. I suppose I'm looking for the percentage of times engine trouble /weather etc has caused a ship to bypass this port.

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