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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. That's a really good idea that I hadn't thought of, thank you!
  2. Hello 🙂 I was hoping someone could help me? I'm going on a P&O Britannia cruise in June, travelling with my one year old. We've booked the freedom dining option as with a toddler I wanted as much wiggle room as possible with regards to timings. My parents are also cruising with us and are having club dining at the earlier sitting. For one of the formal nights we'd like to eat together - is the only option for this to book a table together at one of the premium restaurants? Or could we all turn up at the freedom dining restaurant and eat there? I can't find an answer to this anywhere, so thought I'd ask on here before I give P&O a call. Thank you in advance 🙂
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