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Cruzin in 09

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Posts posted by Cruzin in 09

  1. On the Triumph last month they brought slips with room service and we were able to leave our tips on that and it was just charged to our sigh and sail. I just cleaned out my cruise bag to get it ready for the next cruise and one was in there.



    Life is better aboard a ship.

  2. Has anyone here cruised with 4 adults in an ocean view cabin. We have done 3 but never 4, the website says they will supply a trundle bed. How big or long are they? This will be on the triumph.



    Life is better aboard a ship.

  3. We love decorating our door, first cruise was tropical themed, second cruise was done for my son for his graduation but having a problem coming up with a theme for our up coming cruise. We will be celebrating our 25th anniversary. Any ideas?



    Life is better aboard a ship.

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