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Everything posted by Samangel

  1. Casual dining is like the middle ground between fast food and fancy restaurants. It's where you can chill with friends or family without feeling like you need to dress up or spend a fortune.
  2. How exciting to embark on your first cruise! Black trainers can totally work for smart casual on board, especially if they're clean and in good condition. I remember when I packed my trusty Nike shoes for a cruise; they were perfect for exploring the ship and lounging in comfort. If you're unsure, a quick shoe shopping trip in Southampton could be fun—maybe find a versatile pair that suits both day and evening wear. Boat decks can be slippery, so shoes with good grip are a must! Most importantly, enjoy your cruise and all the new experiences ahead.
  3. As for the blackjack payout, the standard is 3 to 2, but it's always good to double-check with the specific ship's rules. Though I mostly visit betting sites, I used to play casinos a lot, so that must help you. Good luck!
  4. The minimum and maximum bet amounts in ship casinos can vary, but they usually cater to a wide range of players. Table limits might fluctuate based on the time of day, with higher limits during peak hours. As for the dealer, it's common to find multi-deck shoes rather than hand shuffling.
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