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Posts posted by DaveQM

  1. Hello, I have a question for experienced Cunarders!  Do you reckon I could catch an 8.15am train from Southampton station if I use express disembarkation?


    Long version: I've done several westbound transatlantic crossings and at New York, the express disembarkation is incredibly efficient; I usually whizz through customs, often arriving at the taxi rank not long after 7am. But sometimes there aren't enough taxis for everyone. This summer, I'll have my first Southampton arrival. In your experience, will it be equally fast? And will there be plenty of taxis, or will I have to wait around? Alternatively, have any of you ever walked from the ship to the train station? On the map it looks like a short walk but a bit labyrinthine. I'm asking all this because I would like to catch an 8.15 train if I can - but perhaps that's cutting it fine?


    Thank you for any advice!

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