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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. I need to not take the word of the person booking that they have allocated me the same cabin. And can't waitlist. As really need to know. My sister travelling on same cruise and if we need to cancel we both do. My nieces 5 and 10 and our parents died in a car accident 7 years ago so we go away together every Christmas. So much stress that time of year that we balance by doing something that's not the normal from when we were all together. I am seriously upset at the oversight. But, as you say. It will be simply that the cruise line will blame me for not checking! If we cancel I just hope they return all our funds.
  2. Hi. Actually in Australia. And not sure what a PCL is??? I booked on board. And yes, apparently all cabins, mini suites are fully booked! Only a suite left, can't afford that! I am so frustrated!
  3. Thank you so much... x I am a foster carer and booked this year's trip whilst in board last year. I asked for the same room but was unavailable so got one 2 rooms up. I asked for ability to sleep 4 as one never knows as a carer if will have extra children. Well. I have an extra one as of tomorrow. And turns out my cabin only sleeps 3! The new foster lad is sibling of one I have had 3 years! Can't not take him especially at Christmas. And they are refusing to assist in any way! When it was there stuff up. Aaargh
  4. Hi. Do you still have as you did in 2009 any direct contact info for Princess senior staff for a complaint / issue I am struggling to have resolved? I tried to email you but it wouldn't let me. Thank you.
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