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Posts posted by Kayla23

  1. Georgia Peach,

    My sentiments exactly!!  The only reason we were going on the original cruise was to go to the Holy Land and Egypt. The revised itinerary is totally unacceptable for us also as we were in the three Greek ports in June on a land tour. We stayed at each port for 3 nights and did much of the sightseeing you could do. I agree with you that Alexandria is questionable also. I understand it is not the cruise line's fault, but it isn't our fault either and we should not be penalized. Previously, we have been on cruises where the itinerary was changed due to weather etc. but to change it before we leave and not give us any options is so unfair. Talk about not going on a holy land cruise as purchased. At this point I am not sure if we are even safe going on this cruise at all but the cost to not go is over the top.  Everyday another county is getting involved. Oceania, like other cruise lines, needs to cancel the cruise and allow us to book another cruise this year or next year to a safer location and one that we would like to go on and not one that Oceania has selected for us. Thank you for letting me vent. 

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