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Posts posted by carran61

  1. Our itinerary was altered from HKG-DUB to HKG-CPT with 6 'free' nights and $250 on-board spend each. Sounds great but getting back to the UK from Cape Town was tricky as cheap flights weren't available until 3-4 days after disembarkation. We decided to sail back to Southampton but I get the impression that Cunard 'upped' the price for the new 15 day leg possibly to get back the money on the 6 free days. A bit cheeky for loyal clients. Still in communication with them on this but it seems to be £600 over priced for a sheltered balcony. The last leg only has 3 stops at Namibia, Canaries and Lisbon so hardly a showstopper. 

  2. Just now, exlondoner said:

    Surely it is also for the benefit of all the passengers booked on subsequent cruises. Or don’t they count?

    Of course. The ship has to get back to S'ton for Apr. 28th for the next cruise. My point is that Cunard are not handling this well and seem ill prepared. I just phoned to ask if I can stay on board all the way back to S'ton and they have zero information. No prices are available for this so I can't make any plans once we hit Cape Town.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Victoria2 said:

    Cunard can't be held to account for having to change the itinerary for this cruise.


    If your flights were booked with Cunard, they will get you home/change the flights, at their expense. If flights were booked independently, then having to arrange other flights at your own expense is  a pitfall of doing so.

    But they can be held account to changing the itinerary to purely suit themselves . Dubai would be a perfectly safe port to call at. The omission of Dubai is 100% for Cunard's benefit and has nothing to do with the safety of quests. Dumping us in the southern hemisphere instead of Dubai where choices of flights is more limited and very expensive isn't on. Don't get me wrong I love Cunard and have done many cruises with them but they could at least be offering FCC. 

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  4. I was due to do the Hong Kong - Dubai leg. I don't understand why the ship can't at least go to Dubai so passengers disembarking there can get home. Flights from Cape Town when we dock there are exorbitantly priced probably because Cunard got in first and block booked them out. They are 3x the normal price (Economy is £1100 each). Sorry but Cunard are skipping Dubai purely so they can get back to S'ton for 28th April so the onus should  be on them to help us get home .  $250 on board credit 'as a gesture of goodwill' doesn't even get close to the financial impact of the change. Already £150 down on the cancelled Dubai flights. Called Cunard and they seem to have zero information on whether we can stay on board, how much that would cost etc. Terrible Comms. As of last night you could still book Dubai-S'ton. A pity Cunard haven't gone the extra mile to help their guests a bit more. (I know they are going a lot of extra miles 🙂 )


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