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Everything posted by Dog_Mom_1011

  1. Is getting into this lot/garage easy, or is there usually a traffic back up getting in?
  2. I recently had this happen when I booked Hooked...the reservation says 4 hours and 30 minutes. My shows haven't opened yet, but I'm glad you brought this up because now I know I may run into problems booking a show that night when they do open up. My reservations at Jamie's and all of the My Time ones are all normal times, it's just Hooked that is unusually long.
  3. We will be cruising in a few months, and look forward to being disconnected from our phones for the week. Our parents are older though, and we worry about being inaccessible in the event of an emergency. I've thought about getting the internet package so I can be contacted by email, but I hate to get that package just to check my email daily for a hopefully nonexistent emergency notification. Does anyone know of any other options for how to be contacted when onboard in the event of an emergency? Our parents are all healthy and fine, just trying to be prepared for something unexpected! Thanks!
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