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Posts posted by Beekman1915

  1. My wife and I are seniors. We decided to pay double with NCL to avoid switching buses with Flybush.  Due to going into Reykjavik and switching buses, the Flybush trip takes at least an hour and 25 minutes.  NCL takes you directly to the airport.  That trip takes about 45 minutes.


    It costs $75/person.  The taxis I saw cost much more than that.

  2. 1 hour ago, edinburgher said:

    As this is an NCL specific question, you might want to cross post on the NCL forum where pax who took NCL excursions would be more likely to see your question and reply.


    And  it would probably be helpful to members if you were to ask about your specific ports, rather than simply "Greenland" excursions as not all ships visit the same ports every time.


    Generally in Greenland, shorex are few and far between.  You might want to look at this recent thread  which does mention one or two, but you could search CC for all your ports and decide which of the results to read.




    Thanks so much for your advice.  I am new to cruisecritic.com and am just learning the ropes.

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