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Posts posted by atanac

  1. 4 hours ago, pe4all said:

    Feel better soon!  Sucks to get cruise crud.  We have avoided it by wearing masks inside the ship if in/near crowds.  Not our favorite thing to do, but better than getting sick.  Also used a ton of purell.  

    My doctor informed me that Purell & other antibacterials are ineffective against viruses. Cruise crud, norovirus & covid all all viruses. The FDA actually went after the makers of Purell for  making unfounded claims that its products prevent and help stop virus spread.

    • Like 6
  2. 1 hour ago, Frank12 said:

    I can't believe you were on that ship for a week and they couldn't get a decent bottle of tequila for you at the Alchemy. That's insanity. *****?  I've had several cruises where I had to pick and choose my bars just to get Bombay Sapphire gin.  I don't get it!

    With so many people with beverage packages they can save money by being 'out' of the more expensive brands. No Don Jose? Here's Jose Cuervo.

    • Like 4
  3. 51 minutes ago, sid_9169 said:


    I'm reading every bit of it while sitting here at the airport waiting for my flight... I absolutely love my readers / Tribe...

    People who should know better over on The Tribe wanted to remove their comments for fear of hurting your feelings.Others thought you would be insulted or worse might not ever return. I found these 'fake' Sidisms to be nothing more than tributes that I knew you'd get a chuckle out of.

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  4. 32 minutes ago, JGmf said:


    You're all probably correct.  That's too bad.  If so, then all that genuine admiration and appreciation for Sid will have backfired.

    Sid is not a snowflake. He'll either be amused or ambivalent.

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  5. 1 hour ago, sid_9169 said:

    That's exactly what it means... I'm going completely "off the grid", which is uncharted territory for me. Hopefully I survive being disconnected from the modem World...

    OK, forgive me if I'm being selfish but I hope Sid realizes that perhaps being "On the grid" and posting his live adventures is part of his enjoyment of travel. There are not that many reviewers who can command such an audience as Sid.

    • Like 8
  6. 1 hour ago, sid_9169 said:

     At least I'm getting closer to the Horizon cruise. Still having difficulty getting excited for it, but hopefully that'll happen soon.




    Perhaps deciding not to share your adventure in full this time has got you feeling verklempt.

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  7. 1 hour ago, sid_9169 said:

    I tried to beat the storms into work this morning but ended up right in the middle of them. On top of that, being stuck in here with a visibly sick coworker and it's a recipe for crappy day... The days here seem to last long enough already, and now this. 

    Sounds like your job offers endless ways to turn lemonaid into lemons.

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  8. 8 hours ago, CallistaSkye said:

    Almost had a heart attack when I searched on the other website for our cruise roll call. There's a Baptist Church that is sailing on the same exact dates that has a roll call.

    I have nothing against religion, I just really don't want to end up on a themed cruise by accident.


    Speaking of a 'themed cruise' how'd ya like to find yourself on the NCL Pearl Feb 03 -Feb 14, 2025 for the Big Nude Boat. Yep, a nude cruise! It was on the news last night and the news readers were aghast...as was I.

    • Haha 12
  9. 1 hour ago, BohJang said:

    Our house has been on the market for 3 weeks. We only had one showing in all that time but they made an offer. $35,000 less than asking. They want us to pay all closing fees. 

    If you decide to counter I'd stipulate the home is being sold AsIs and you won't be paying for any 'fixes' that might show up after the home inspection.

    • Like 4
  10. 1 hour ago, sid_9169 said:

     Chaka has already defiled the bathroom floor, so it's just another average week here.

    Here's a thought...remember when you had a little puppy and to train them not to piddle on the floor you'd rub their nose in it....

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  11. 5 minutes ago, ceilidh1 said:

    Not for me, but they are currently doing the exact same thing to my neighbour. .

    Happy for you. I thought they might try to mess with you again after you showed them whose boss.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, sid_9169 said:

     ... there's a big "design" conference going on here at our building, so they've restricted our abilities to use the freight elevator or take carts into the hallways. That means literally carrying two hundred pound rugs up or down three flights of stairs if we need to load or unload customers or deliveries.

    If it comes to that just hook Chaka up to a dolly and whip him like a rented mule.

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  13. 1 hour ago, kpark895 said:


    The office I work for mailed me a large envelope of work about 3 weeks ago, and it still has not arrived.  This is a 10" x 13" envelope that can't easily get stuck in with someone else's mail, so who knows where it went.

    The X files?

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Saint Greg said:


    The problem with the exotic locations is they use the same one twice a year now. And it doesn't sound like they plan to change that. They go to the same place and film back to back seasons in the summer and that's how they like to do it now.

    They need to tighten it up. 90 minutes is to long with the majority spent on everyone strategizing. They should have two challenges per hour. One reward & one for immunity. I believe the producers are just chasing the dollar. Only having one challenge instead of two reduces their out of pocket expenses. The extra 30 minutes also gives them additional revenue from more commercials. They've just gotten lazy assuming their local audience will put up with it...until they won't!

    • Like 4
  15. 1 hour ago, LatinaInTexas said:

    Wow I guess I live under a rock. While I do own a DVD player it serves no purpose other than collecting dust since I didn't own any DVDs.

    I've mentioned this before but you can check out DVD's from the library for free. You can even reserve newly released ones or request one and they will transfer them from another library if they don't have it. Actually buying them is a foolish endeavor.

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  16. I know the eclipse took up a ton of air time these past few days but it won't hold a candle to the next life changing event. Taylor Swift releases new new opus on April 19th! There will be nowhere to hide and no special glasses will save you from the blinding light this time.

    • Haha 20
  17. 1 hour ago, Etta1213 said:

    I guess something's sort of wrong with me, because there's no way I'd travel to see the eclipse. Maybe enthusiasm wanes in some folks with age.

    Nothing wrong with you. It's like traveling to Mt Rushmore or Niagara Falls. After one minute you'll ask yourself..Okay, now what!?

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  18. 1 minute ago, sid_9169 said:

    I guess the stuff wasn't defective afterwards. But, not nearly what I was expecting, AND the stuff I drank didn't taste bad at all...




    Let's all sing it together...'Call Roto-Rooter, that's the name and away go troubles down the drain. Roto-Rooter Roto-Rooter'.

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  19. 2 hours ago, ceilidh1 said:

    There is more to the story…

    Sitting in Atrium with DS this morning at a game show and who should walk over but 18 year old buddy with his PARENTS!!!!! He proceeded to introduce us (at least he has impeccable manners). I swear I do not recall telling him my name and I honestly had no idea of his, so it was…awkward. He wasn’t phased in the least.

    Perhaps his "parents" sent him out on an scouting expedition. You should swing by their cabin door to see if there are any upside down pineapples.

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