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Dr Jay 24


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    Bethlehem, PA
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Dr Jay 24's Achievements

Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. Thanks for the tip. I kind of thought it might be like that with the “small group.” Maybe the independent guide is the way to go. Not sure if it lets you give names on this board, but if you remember the name of the guide would you mind sharing?
  2. Can anyone give any input about this Celebrity excursion? My wife and I signed up for it because we thought it would be the best way to see the island. It seemed like it might be difficult to put everything together on our own. We just wanted to hear some feedback from others who may have done this excursion. Was the restaurant they chose good?
  3. Thanks for the tip. I thought I was in the Celebrity section. Guess I was not.
  4. Can anyone give any input about this Celebrity excursion? My wife and I signed up for it because we thought it would be the best way to see the island. It seemed like it might be difficult to put everything together on our own. We just wanted to hear some feedback from others who may have done this excursion. Was the restaurant they chose good?
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