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Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. There is definitely something on the form about a certain weight. Assistant above or below about 120kg I think.
  2. Thanks for all the information everyone. I'll certainly be putting my views to P&O directly. We still haven't been informed that my Mum is persona non gratis on this cruise. I can't really comment on how many evacuation chairs there are, but they've also rejected us for a North Europe cruise in October for the same reason. Last year my parents booked pretty late and there was no issue. It would be interesting to see how many people are on board with mobility needs when we go to Norway as it does seem to be a way of limiting the numbers, maybe they got tired about the complaints that people in wheelchairs couldn't get on the lifts? I will be making my views known to P&O, my parents certainly won't be booking another and a cruise from Southampton suited my parents state of health.
  3. Just to add some more detail, on a vaguely unrelated topic I was e-mailing ***** and mentioned my Mum was a wheelchair user. The advice they gave was to send me a form for a different cruise line and I clarified I'd already filled in the P&O mobility needs online. She seemed satisfied I'd done all I needed to do
  4. Thanks all for the comments, I'll try and just use one post. We booked through ***** and they asked no questions about mobility. I now notice that when you try and book there is a tick box about mobility issues so I'm guessing I'm not the only one. I also notice now if you try and book direct through P&O there are now tick boxes about evacuation chairs when you do a dummy booking. It will refuse a booking where there isn't one. I made final payment at the time I booked, this was a requirement of ***** at it was 1 May for a 17 August cruise. No there was no mention of an evac chair (people told me to check it was booked on, which is the only reason I queried it). I have no idea who I am dealing with, I don't seem to be offered anything but the option to change the name on the cruise (I don't see why this helps my parents) and they can move the cruise to within 12 months. I tried to move it to a Northern Europe cruise on the 16th October, no evac chairs were available. I send a form via the online cruise personaliser bit, I recall last year I e-mailed something, this year it was done online and a PDF was generated. But I didn't e-mail it, it was submitted automatically. They did confirm they had received a mobility questionnaire. My wife and kids will still go in August and my parents are vaguely happy to move their cruise (I'll still go with them, so I get an additional cruise). They did Norway last year, so happy to do something a bit different. I'm not immune to media reports about people getting turned away from cruises, but the P&O spokesperson accuses these people of not filling in a medical needs questionnaire, which we did. Appreciate all the responses and further requests for clarity
  5. OK for my situation. Booked an indoor cabin with P&O for my parents as I did last year. Booked on 1 May, my Mum uses a wheelchair to help her get around distances. On the same day I filled out the mobility needs questionnaire, got a copy and everything. I know I did because it involved typing in tedious dimensions of the wheelchair. I ticked she was bringing a wheelchair and needed an evacuation chair. This is exactly what I did last year on the same cruise. Heard a lot of people talking about evacuation chairs, but I'd filled the form in but someone said to check its on your cruise planner. It wasn't. I checked with ***** who we booked the cruise with. They said she wasn't bringing a wheelchair when they checked with P&O. I thought I'd messed up and not sent the form, then I found I had sent the form on the same day I booked the cruise. I got told that my Mum has no evacuation booked, none are available. All I can say as a positive is that I didn't turn up with my family and my parents in August and all have to go home as they wouldn't let my Mum on. It's clear P&O have reviewed the form, but haven't bothered to tell me that my Mum wouldn't be allowed on board. I'm guessing they would have told me when i was at Southampton dock. Any thoughts on what I can do? I feel I've done what P&O would have expected, the newspaper stories and P&O spokesman are claiming that people are turned away who didn't fill the form out. We did and if it wasn't for me, I would have no idea my Mum isn't going on the cruise. All they're saying is I can move their cruise, they've agreed to this but I'm also getting "no evac chairs" for these cruises as well.
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