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Posts posted by Proudairborne/RangerMom

  1. I as well have a cream that contains small abount of thc and I also have 5mg of edible for chronic pain from Lupus and MS.  Would my bringing either of these be a problem because the fact sheet from Bermuda only discusses how you can't have more then 7grams of cannabis.

  2. We are booked in a mini suite on the Breakaway. Are there any perks to booking this type of suite or only if you book the Haven suites?


    Do you get to go to Cagneys for breakfast and lunch if you are in a mini suite?


    Thanks for any help and info.

    C. Witek

  3. During this time, my lovely wife takes a trip down to our room with some of the luggage. Normally, the whole family would enter the hotel room or cabin, and no one is allowed to touch anything. The kids and I stand in the room until my wife “clears” the chair or couch. Once the chair or couch are declared bed-bug free and a reasonable level of clean, the kids sit down and wait while the rest of the room is cleared. During this time, I’m dragging luggage into the room and also trying not to touch anything. I assist with the “clearing” process, but I don’t think that I have the authority to actually declare anything as being clean… I don’t have a great eye for telling the difference between “clean” and “not clean”. I can normally manage the difference between “clean” and “absolutely disgusting”, but the more subtle shades of cleanliness are difficult for me. Like I said, normally, we’d be in the room during the clearing process. This time, I waited with the girls in the atrium lounge area while my wife cleared the room. This way, she’s able to work more effectively in the room, we’re sitting comfortably in the atrium, and everyone’s happy.


    Our room on this cruise was an Ocean View, starboard, Deck 1, cabin 1-241. We’ve never had a cabin on Deck 1 before, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. As it turns out, I never noticed a difference other than we had to wait a few seconds longer on the elevator when going from Lido to our cabin. Again, I’m not terribly observant in most things, so there may actually be a large difference from Deck 1 to Deck 6, but I don’t think I noticed. The most interesting thing about being on Deck 1 occurred on our Saint John, New Brunswick port-day, which I’ll try to mention later.


    When Wifey comes back to the atrium to fetch us, we quickly pack up our toys and head down to cabin. I personally like the long and straight hallways on many ships. Carnival Glory has straight hallways for guest cabins so you can almost see from one end of the ship to the other. We’ve cruised on the Pride a couple of times and I don’t particularly care for the zigzag hallways. I find the little jogs in the hallway annoying and disorienting. When navigating the hallways on the Pride, it always feels like you’re about to run into someone coming around the corner, so I have a constant (albeit low-level) anxiety about walking through those halls, never knowing who you might run into around the next corner. On the Glory, when you step out of the elevator lobbies into the guest hallways, you glance down the hall, and after the first day or so, you know exactly how far till your cabin, or how much traffic you’ll encounter getting there. Anyway, I like the long and straight hallways… and Glory has them.


    We find our cabin, enter, and begin to uncompress our luggage which was painstakingly packed in order to get all of our junk into them. My suitcase works a little differently than the girls’ bags. The girls had their bags packed over the course of weeks, allowing gravity to press out every cubic millimeter of air before packing the next layer in. My suitcase has the ability to expand by a couple of inches like many suitcases, but I consider it a small defeat to have to use that expansion zipper. I would like to think that I could pack everything I need into my suitcase without having to unzip that extra space. For me, it’s akin to loosening your belt or unbuttoning your pants after you’ve clearly eaten too much. Don’t get me wrong here, I’m not on any moral high-horse; I find myself unbuttoning my pants after dinner more and more frequently these days… and I’ve used that expansion zipper a few times. I still consider it a small defeat. Usually, I pack for a cruise the night before we leave. I think this used to stress my wife a little, but she’s gotten used to it by now. Either that, or she’s just stopped making audible mention of it. I start packing from the ground up. I was taught by my uncle when I was a teenager to pack light, and to start from the ground up so you don’t miss anything.


    I bring two pairs of shoes – my black dressy shoes and my sneakers. I pack the sneakers, and wear the black shoes onto the ship. Next comes my socks. I take the number of cruise days, multiply by 2.5, add the travel days to and from the port which includes hotel days if we’re staying overnight, add 2, and then divide by 10% of the average predicted temperature of the originating port for that week. Once I’ve done all of that, then I pack 8 pairs of white tube socks, 5 pairs of black socks. Next is underwear, then pants, then one nice black belt, undershirts (half as many V-necks as crew-necks), polo shirts, T-shirts, and button-down shirts. Then I throw in my bath-bag, a couple of handkerchiefs, and my black suit neatly folded in half, on top. Usually by now, my suitcase is about 80% full. This is where I smile, breathe a sigh of success, and zip it up. This also happens to be the moment that Wifey says something like “do you have extra room in there?” To which my reply is a quick “No, it’s full.” Then we stare at each other for a few seconds, and she hands me the overflow from the other bags to fill mine. See? A perfectly refined system.


    Back to the cabin – we unpack for the next 30 minutes or so. Wifey unpacks the kids’ stuff, her stuff, organizes the bathroom, and whatever else she does. I unpack my big suitcase in a minute or two because all of my shirts, pants, and suit are already on hangers inside the suitcase. This way, I’m never short on hangers in the cabin, and my wife knows that she can have most or all of the hangers in the closets when she starts. I just unzip the suitcase, grab the bundle of hanger hooks, lift up, and place on the bar… voila! I then shove my 13 pairs of socks, underwear, undershirts, and my 3 pairs of emergency socks into the bottom of the closet and I’m done. Now I can move onto setting up my laptop, spare laptop, emergency-backup laptop, GPS receiver stuck to the window, wireless internet connection, and charging station for cameras and walkie talkies. All of which are connected to my Kill-A-Watt power meter which tells me how many Watts of power I’m drawing from the outlet; I would hate to use more than my fair share of electricity on the ship… I mean, think of the dolphins!


    With all your note taking, paying attention to detail to write later and all your lap tops and paraphanalia did you get even just one minute of a relaxing vacation in there somewhere????

  4. We were on our honeymoon cruise on NCL and I wanted so badly to capture the sunrise or sunset on my camera. Well I missed all the sunrises as we slept in too late and it always seemed we were right in the middle of something else and I'd miss capturing the sunset.


    So one night during formal night we were at dinner and a tablemate who knew my missing sunset dilema says, oh look the sun is getting ready to set, quick come with me I know how to get to the front of the ship where you can take an awesome picture of the sunset.


    We ran all the way to the front of the ship and as she opened the door for me I held my camera up with both hands ready to snap the pictures before it was too late and....all of a sudden Whoosh.....my whole dress was now blown up around my chest!!! I snapped two quick pictures then used both hands to put my dress back in place and hold it there. We both were laughing so hard while looking around to make sure no one else saw and we felt relieved to see no one else was out there with us. Then All of a sudden we heard some laughter and whisltles and looked up and saw the captains crew above us on the bridge!!! Were my cheeks red!


    It was quite the story told when we got back to the table, and they all had a good laugh! That was a long time ago but I've never forgotten it and I never went out on deck in a black knee length flowy dress again either!! My DH chuckled about it later but he was a tad jealous then about other men seeing what was under his wifes dress! LOL I told him they see my legs when I'm in shorts or a bathing suit, they didn't really see more then that! And that's my story to him and I'm sticking to it!!LOL

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