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Everything posted by Softservekid1

  1. YEP ! we decided to stay in Texas City also.
  2. General number, tell them what you need and they will transfer you๐Ÿ‘
  3. I called Carnival, they in turn emailed me the form to let them know my Cruise number and stateroom number, Scooter width, height and weight. This way they will know my scooter will fit in my room. Especially since I'm in a standard room. 22" maximum.
  4. What are you Jubilee players thoughts on the Jubilee Casino? Money pit, or winner? Seems like there are mostly the electronic games and a few gaming tables. Tell me about these electronic games and have you won some money. as usual, thanks for your time.
  5. They sent a form for me to fill out and return with all my cruise and scooter information.
  6. Following your cruise. Hopefully you will dodge the bad weather. Hope the sun shines on you
  7. can you control your room temp or does Carnival?
  8. Such great info here. Thank you all for taking the time to help me out๐Ÿ™
  9. I bought the insurance Carnival offers at time of booking. Do I need anymore? Of course, I didn't read the "fine print".๐Ÿ˜‰
  10. When you do check in, can you pick your boarding time or is it assigned? I will definitely check in through my browser on my laptop, Cell phones are pretty much useless.
  11. this is a great idea, I'll check with my party
  12. I tried to talk the couple we are traveling with into going the day before departure, but they didn't want to pay the cost of a hotel. I can see their point as all the motels raise their Friday night rates to around $300. Gouging for sure. So, From North Dallas I will be driving in the morning of the cruise. This drive through or around Houston is a crap shoot as the traffic can be a nightmare. My question is: I think when I "check in" on the app before we leave, I pick a boarding time?? Is it best to pick an early boarding time, say 11:00am then when we get there at say 1:00pm will we be able to board immediately? Any advice is really appreciated, and again, I'm sorry for all my rookie questions. As y'all can tell. I'm kinda anal. I want to be prepared.๐Ÿ™ƒ
  13. What happens when you "check in" through the app?
  14. Sailing the western Carribean Sept. 14th. Coin flip for sure. Worst thing about this scenario is if you can't dock, people can't get off the ship so it would be miserably crowded.
  15. Thanks all. I wouldn't mind, I like to meet my neighbors. Im an old guy and don't partake but do many smoke the evil weed while on board? I heard on a video; this became a big problem on some ships. I'm on the Jubilee.
  16. good stuff folks I' was just picturing someone on the drink package finishing their 15th drink for the day but alas, I shan't judge๐Ÿ˜† I'm too old for that silliness now but I do still enjoy the dance music. I'll keep a safe lookout from above.
  17. Anyone ever get upgraded from an inside, deck 5 cabin to a balcony? Worth it? I've heard the balcony's aren't very private.
  18. Booked the first night of our cruise. 8:00 reservation. First time for me but like any foodie I've looked at all the menus. Cowboy ribeye for me, surf and turf for her. I'll eat her lobster๐Ÿ˜† not sure on apps or desert yet. Gotta save somethings for last minute.
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