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Posts posted by kjt_cruising

  1. On 6/14/2024 at 4:29 PM, Anastas617 said:

    Thanks for the write-up. I always appreciate hearing from someone that provides both sides of their experience with actual examples.


    Can I ask what experience you had (Bella, Fantastica, etc) and your seating arrangements? I ask because as a solo traveler I was sat alone at a two-seat table (my preference) my first two times when I had Fantastica and I was sat at an 8-top my last cruise when I was Bella and it was awkward for a number of reasons. No idea if it was related to my "experience" or just coincidence. I am on a casino comp in September, but upgraded to Fantastica; will ask the maitre d' to change my seating or will just use the buffet if they stick me at an 8-top again.

    I'm traveling solo on the 9/29 cruise to Bermuda.  How was sitting along at a table for 2?  Did you request that prior to boarding, or once your boarded?


    I'm debating what to do...  My thought is to try the dining room the first night to see how it goes with whoever I'm seated with, and if it doesn't go well go to the buffet for dinner.  I'm also worried about getting a large table and on some eveninings being the only one showing up at a large table (as others will probably have other plans - either at other restaurants, or eating out in Bermuda). 

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