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Kalliamo's Achievements

Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. You're right, plumbing issues on cruise ships are often rare, and your experience might have been just bad luck. To avoid future problems, checking reviews and the maintenance history of the ship is a great idea. Additionally, it might help to book cruises on newer ships or those that have recently undergone renovations, as they are more likely to have updated plumbing systems that can handle potential issues better. On a related note, when it comes to plumbing issues, whether at sea or at home, it’s always good to have reliable help on hand. I recently found out about Trusted Local Plumbers in Sydney who are highly recommended for quickly fixing plumbing problems, including things like blocked toilets and other emergencies. If you ever face a plumbing issue at home, having a trusted local plumber can make all the difference!
  2. It's incredibly frustrating dealing with UK insurance, especially concerning pre-existing conditions like cancer. I faced a similar challenge with a chronic health issue, and navigating insurance was a nightmare until I found professionals who understood the system. Stay positive, there are solutions out there!
  3. Arriving early for the cruise means skipping the rush and starting your vacation sooner. You can explore the ship, enjoy lunch without crowds, and settle in before sailing.
  4. MSC usually runs some great deals for Black Friday, including discounts on drink packages.
  5. I’ve had the same issue on my cruises! I found that asking the port shops or local vendors for a small amount of local currency worked great. I also had success withdrawing a small amount from an ATM at the port—just be sure to check the fees. It’s a fun way to get a little keepsake without exchanging too much cash!
  6. Hey! I went on my first cruise last year, and you definitely don't need to carry your passport or driver's license around the ship. Just keep your cruise card with you—it's your room key and onboard ID for purchases and stuff. It's super convenient. Save the passport for when you go ashore.
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