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Everything posted by revengeful87

  1. She is commenting insurance fraud by telling you to file a claim and keeping refundable money. How you can’t see that i don’t understand. Insurance companies should not have been paying out on this. It causes increased premiums for the rest of us when unscrupulous people do what she is doing!
  2. Travel insurance fraud is committed when she intentionally has people file a claim when refunds are due by her and then not provided. She then steals our refund money by not returning it. These are false claims being paid out by insurance companies. These claims should never be filed in the first place. She owed us our money.
  3. Insurance fraud because she should have provided those refunds and instead had people file with their insurance companies so she could double dip and keep the money! She does this all the time.
  4. The article written by Michelle Couch Friedman will hurt her business even more. She has lost a lot more business than she owes refunds at this point in time. She has already canceled several tours and many people have decided not to book with her as a result of her shady business practices. She chose to dig her feet in the sand. We chose to dig ours deeper and tell the truth! She’s told so many lies she can’t keep them straight anymore. This is our revenge.
  5. Post the story from Michelle couch Friedman from consumer rescue. Google it and you will find the story. Thanks for getting the message out
  6. Yea we couldn’t find a lawyer willing to take the case because she is in Canada and we are spread out throughout the United States
  7. File with your insurance so she gets to steal your money. That’s insurance fraud. She needs to learn what providing a refund actually means. snakes are snakes and she’s one of them
  8. So for those asking questions: over 1200 passengers booked tours with her for the Greenland cruise in September 2023. Over 800 passengers got no refunds for the iceburg tours. The other tours in other ports went off but not without issues. Most of us booked before she changed the terms and conditions on her website, When she did change her terms and conditions she failed to notify anyone of those changes. One person who booked the same day as we did got a full refund because she booked before the new website went live. So the question is why not the rest of us? We did do chargebacks on our credit cards and she provided false documents and information to the cc companies and they found in her favor. She changed the terms to non refundable on September 19th, after the cruise was over. On September 6th she was on the Facebook page stating refunds would be forthcoming. All lies! Matter of fact she told the tour operator to keep 10k of our money and that he would get all the business back and more when we returned on our free cruise in 2024! There was no free cruise. The tour operator sent her an email on August 28th stating ship won't make it please cancel for full refund so I can book other tours. She refused to do so and cost him thousands of dollars. Is this why she told him to keep 10k of our money? She provided partial refunds to some guests with the understanding the rest would be coming. They have never seen that money. Most of us have received no refunds. She spends her time cruising around the world on our dime. A Facebook page was created to discuss options on getting refunds and we discovered then that this was not the first time she has done this, but it is the most passengers she has refused to give refunds to. Upon investigation we learned she is not licensed, bonded or insured. She states on her page that if something happens she can not be held responsible. BS! She has now lost her ability to take credit cards most likely due to the high number of chargebacks against her. Now the form of payment is Zelle which is illegal in Canada and is the known form of payment for scammers. She also does personal checks if you dont have zelle and they are made out to her not the business. This is done to avoid paying taxes on that money. Check out the full story done by Michelle Couch-Friedman of Consumer Rescue. Michelle spent over 9 months going through documents and trying to get all of these people their money back. In the end Sandra stopped communicating with her after getting caught in lie after lie. SO buyer beware. We vetted her, asked her direct questions to which she responded if the ship does not port it is 100% refundable. She had her cheerleading squad post only positive reviews (anything else is deleted or not posted). I strongly urge anyone thinking of using her to check the reviews on various pages and the stories out there about her.
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