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Posts posted by Rick/Bama

  1. I was a passenger on a tour booked by a friend with Herod in 2010. I don't require a beach chair, I'm usually walking, in the water, or in the shade somewhere. I enjoyed the tour that year, but wished for more time on Jalousie Beach. We toured the coast and made one stop prior to our arrival between the Pitons. The view was incredible from that beach....now one of my favorite places to visit !


    Another friend handled the booking on my trip last week, this time with Spencer. They heeded my advice and went to the Pitons and Jalousie Beach first. The free beach chairs went pretty quickly, and the area they occupy is pretty small....but I don't go to this beach to sit under a palapa all day. The entire beach is public, yet I saw very few people who just used their beach towel to sit on. Does everyone except me worship beach chairs ? There are plenty of Caribbean beaches with wall to wall loungers for $5-15 per day, all you have to do is oil up and hop in the can with the rest of the sardines....I mean, sunbathers.


    But I digress. Jalousie Beach has clear water, lots of fish, some shade, some free chairs, and an incredible view. I thoroughly enjoyed both tours, but preferred Spencer's only because it allowed for more time at Jalousie. We had no problems whatsoever with either company. Both had excellent employees. I would recommend either without hesitation. Oh, if you want a smoother ride, sit behind the captain.

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