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Posts posted by mbardsley

  1. We are set for a Aug 26th, EOS, Galveston. We are getting good feed back that it is a go. CDC has not extended the no sail order, and I would say it would take a lot for that to happen. The industry as a whole can't sit and wait much more. They are going to lose a lot of money running the ships at reduced capacity without increase of fares.  They are close to break even just with fares on a full ship, the make the money on extras, booze, photos, ECT.  

    We are happy to go and be a test case.  Been playing life for months, no mask, no virus, standard practice of being clean, and keeping people out of my personal bubble. If I get it, I get it, like the flu. 

  2. 9 hours ago, ontheweb said:

    Sounds like the Woody Allen movie in which he wakes up in the future and discovers that everything he was led to believe was bad for him was actually good for him.


    There are things that can overdo "good for you". An example would be anti-bacterial soap. It kills good as well as bad bacteria. And it also does not allow you to build up resistance to bad bacteria.

    Hey, we did, and that was a good movie. House was pretty cool. It still sits up on I70 as you go west out of Denver.  

    We wash our hands more, sneeze or cough in pit, do all the stuff Mom taught us.

  3. 7 hours ago, lenquixote66 said:

    Did you feel the same way about about Hurricane Harvey before the rain came and devastated Houston ?

    Wow, that is not a very nice way to put things. Dealing with hurricanes in Houston is a fact of life. Most devastation is not from the storm, but poor design of flood control, being allowed to build in a flood zone, ECT. Preventable items.  Me, would I build / live in a home in Houston that is downstream from a flood control dam, or a low spot in the area, NO. God gave me some common sense.  We stayed in our ground floor galleria townhome, flooded streets and cars around us, safe and secure. Even making a statement like that is kind of like "poking the bear", you wanted a reaction. 

    I will not stop my life because I am scared, but enjoy it. You have a "blessed" day as my wife says.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, DarrenM said:

    Of course they will but they.might not have a job to enjoy the finer things in life. Especially if these lockdowns and fear continue for much longer.

    Hey the government payed for my next Cruise with the stimulus check anyway.  What's this crap about 30's/40's cruise, he'll keep that flow Ryder going this almost 60 old man will surf it. What anyone 50+, dead it foot in grave.

  5. 4 hours ago, DarrenM said:

    I agree with this. We are suddenly meant to be scared of our own breath. And it seems many are.


    Whilst plenty of others appear to going about their daily business as if  nothing has happened.


    We are either scared witless or in complete denial.


    I read figures from a statistician he other day who said in the uk there are 10million people  under 15 years of age and only 2 had died of the virus. 


    There are 17 million between 15 and 30 with only 28 cases.


    The odds of them dying was less than them dying of being crushed by a piano falling 40 stories. 


    So I can see business restarting for the under 40s only including cruises.


    They wouldnt need to socially distance would they?


    And if any if you think the 20 somethings will.continue to live a hermit style lifestyle for ever then you are deluded.


    The rebellion has already started by them and why not?  Let's face it it's likely to be their age range that suffers the most from this and the economic meltdown thats coming.


    And for what?


    To protect most of us on here that have lived our lives to the full already. 


    I fear for the future of my children and their children unless things get back to normality soon.


    Growing up, drank water from the hose, played in the mud, eating without washing hands, ECT. ECT.  We survived. 

    • Like 3
  6. 22 hours ago, leisuretraveler223 said:

    This whole approach is pure fantasy. Without specific states having established guidelines, it's a pipe dream.


    Right now, there are restrictions on who can even reserve a hotel room. 


    It's suspected many states will fo through the summer with restrictions on gatherings of more than 50 people, but they think they can get a couple thousand on a ship in port?


    It's just nonsensical.

    We're did you get the info on hotel reservation. I can book anyplace, hotels.com, spend a bit of time on road, even during full lock down. Never have an issue.

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  7. What a ship, was pretty young, but remember the night we had to go into a huge storm. My dad was a Naval Officer from WWII on a destroyer, so he woke me up to watch out the port hole the swinging of a sailer from a Navy ship to ours. He had to have emergency surgury and we had a doctor. Every one was sick the next morning, so me and my dad had the whole dinning room to ourselves practilly. It was a bad cruise in post people eyes, but got me hooked on them.

  8. The Lurline was my first cruise when i was like 9, i think it was in 1969/70, Honolulo to LA. I only remember the one night, my dad and me were about the only people in the dinning room, He was Retired Navy, the ship was all over the place. We hit 30 foot seas, and were to redevous with a US Destroyer, they had a medical emergency, and we had a surgeon on board. My dad woke me up in the middle of the night to watch them swing the poor sailor over to us via a rope system, all in high seas.

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