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scouse mouse

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Posts posted by scouse mouse

  1. Thank you for the review - much appreciated.  We are sailing on Millie in a few days time, around southern Japan and South Korea.  Can I ask how dressed up the evening chic nights are?  I’m slightly confused with the dress codes tbh.

  2. Jenizor - we’re currently in Southampton Ibis awaiting our cruise on Iona tomorrow.  Really looking forward to it,

    Incidentally it took us 8 hours to drive down from Preston to Southampton today.  Every motorway was queued.  

  3. We had our bid accepted 3 weeks before our cruise.  This was for an upgrade from an inside to a balcony.  We bid about £20 over the min bid - so £160 each.  Considering we only paid £499 each for our inside we’ve done very well indeed.  This is on Iona, 7 night Norwegian Fjords cruise.

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  4. All flights to Italy for today were cancelled, so I’ve been told.  We’re currently sitting in our hotel awaiting transfer to the ship.  Had nice dinner, a good sleep and pleasant breakfast.

    thefer - I hope everything goes to plan for you.  RC have really looked after us.


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  5. So we got a call from RC at 6.45am to get a flight today for Vienna at 13.15, then another flight to Bologna this evening.  They’re putting us up in a hotel in Bologna but we don’t know which one yet (currently sitting having breakfast at the airport).  Happy holidays!!

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  6. We are due to take a 7 night cruise on Explorer on Sunday 4th June.  We’ve just been informed our flights been cancelled (Italian airport workers strike on Sunday).  Luckily for us our flights where arranged by RC so they are trying to sort it out for us (and I expect a lot of other people).

    Anyone else in the same boat?  (Forgive the pun).

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